
What can you do to be true to your Why?

Hey Square Readers,



Hey look, it's me, asking you all what your Why is.


We're getting really close to finishing up Start with Why by Simon Sinek! We hope you're enjoying reading it so far.


Last time around we dove into writing out and expressing the Why's of our businesses. We had some really amazing answers and really dove into what motivates us. Thanks so much for sharing there, and if you haven't already, feel free to jump in!


Now, let’s take it a step further. Sinek says that trust is built between your business and your customers when your actions align with your why.


What can you do now to be true to your Why?

What specific changes or actions can you make with your business in the next few weeks, in order to really live it and be more in alignment with your Why? 


Looking forward to seeing some actionable steps that you can do, and that others can learn from!


We may repost your comments into our summary post at the end of the month.


Happy reading,


Message 1 of 8

In the last discussion thread, I said that my why was "to bring connection & a bit of happiness so that the neighborhood can become a community."


I sold my business last year, but if I didn't, in the next few weeks, I would start hosting some events! Having some social opportunities, like ice cream tastings for new flavors, where folks can connect with each other and bring even more of a closer neighborhood feel. We used to do an annual block party in our early days, so bringing that back could be really cool.


I can't wait to see what y'all can and are going to do to be more inline with your Why!

Message 2 of 8

I need to do a couple things…1) I want to hone my why. It’s still a bit of a “what”. I started reading “Find Your why” this week. I know it is something about inspiring or empowering others to break out of limiting beliefs about who they think they should be….

But, I also know I’ve been drifting from my why (probably because I haven’t fully formed it in my mind)

So, 2) get clear on my why and begin reevaluating what our business is doing- then start to recalibrating to get on course. 

Message 3 of 8

Thanks for sharing @CarissaD ! Your why sounded pretty solid in your post on our other thread, but absolutely feel free to keep refining it as you go until you're super happy with it.


How's "Find Your Why" going so far? 


Diving into reevaluate aspects of your business is huge and a big important thing for anyone to do, at all stages of the business. I'm so excited for your journey, it can definitely be hard, but I know you're going to do so well with it!

Please keep sharing and let us know how it goes and if we can help!

Message 4 of 8

I will admit Start with Why was not my first choice for the book club kick off as I thought I was past this, but I am so glad to have read it! For me, the book really honed my why to my tagline and now every choice is aligned to this why. I have made steps toward a vanity url, social media strategy, and adding merch. @Pesso, as you mentioned, also considering incorporating new social events. 


Thanks for creating this club! (and btw, I am notorious for reading several biz books at once yet not finishing them all... I now realize that I think I don't want the book journey to end!) ... and as I head to return two unfinished books to the library and hope to renew... lol

Message 5 of 8

Thanks @ChocoRee -- I'm so glad that you've gotten so much out of it, despite it not being your first choice. 


So wonderful to hear that it's guiding your choices, both big and small. 


A new url, social media strategy, and another income stream through merch all sound wonderful -- and events can be a great way to really build a following of loyal folks! 


It's absolutely my pleasure, and thank you for joining and being a part of it, and sharing so much! Without folks like you, it'd just be me shouting into the ether, so I literally couldn't do it without ya!


I feel that on getting books and not reading them -- luckily the journey isn't ending, and we're starting up our next book in June!


Looking forward to hearing more great discussion from you here and hopefully in our Live Chat tomorrow!

Message 6 of 8

I think one thing I've started to do once I really figured out my why, was to make it clear and consistent on all my social media platforms. I also included a bio on my website and each time I make a post, I think about my why and what I want out of that post. 

Message 7 of 8

That's so wonderful to hear, @Moreplease -- thanks for sharing!


So cool that it inspired you to add a bio section to drive it home.


And I love to hear that you're really using it as a guiding light as you're making other decisions, like posting on social. 

Is there anything else strategy or business wise, in things that you'll be doing as a company and as a business, to not only express it, but fully live it?

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