
Shipping Label - Integrate with Royal Mail Click and Drop

Shipping Label - Integrate with Royal Mail Click and Drop

Royal Mail supports integration with various online stores and marketplaces


Integration with Square would be great so that shipping labels could be automatically created, and postage paid







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Re: Shipping Label - Integrate with Royal Mail Click and Drop

Hello everyone, this is Alex from the Square Online product team. We know how frustrating it is to have been told that a Royal Mail Click & Drop integration is on the roadmap for two years, and we're sorry that we haven't yet been able to launch this for you. Behind the scenes, we're in the process of making some fundamental changes to our shipping product, so we decided to build all shipping carrier integrations (not just Royal Mail) in a way that aligns with our long term strategy. This will take us time to fully execute. We also understand that you have to make decisions about how to operate your business, and that an expectation of a Royal Mail integration has been a key factor in choosing to continue using Square. Unfortunately, we don't have a concrete update that we can share with you on our plans or timeline for this today, but we'll be sure to post in this thread when our beta is ready for you. 

209 Replies
Square Champion

Hi all,


Headover to the Royal Mail Click and Drop forum called UserVoice, there is a new thread for the integration bring sort, voice your support we may get this done via the  Royal Mail. Link below




Just went and responded. Although if this isn't implemented in the next few months, I'll probably just go with another platform like Shopify.

Square Champion

I feel your pain, we thought about moving but have delayed any action until after December now (too close to Christmas now), so it looks like another Christmas season of pain to try an fulfil through Square Online. Looks like their resource has been directed at other more strategic projects, restaurants, financial services etc and the Online is no longer strategic or of importance to their core business I guess. We have friends in other businesses who use Shopify and it works equally as well and they do have a Royal Mail integration set up and running so could be an option to consider...good luck and thanks for the support on the RM forum!

I've already made the switch away from selling through my Square site, good luck to all of you that are sticking it out!

Square Champion

@alexws Is there any further update since the Q&A on when this will be available and when it’s like to beta! Lots of people on here I’m sure are ready and waiting to test it out! 



Hi @signature_home, I can't share any updates at this time unfortunately. I know this is a highly requested feature, and we're actively working on it. 

Square Champion

It would be really REALLY great if you could get this implemented in the next week or so before onlines busiest time of year. Its been a long time coming with no signs of it happening...disappointing.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @doc_choc - Welcome back to The Seller Community


I can totally see the need for a feature like this and how beneficial it could be for customers and sellers. I'll be happy to move this over to a feature request board so that our engineers have visibility of your suggestion. We appreciate you sharing your request. While there is no time frame for when it will be implemented, i'm happy to make sure our engineers have eyes on your request. 


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Square Champion

Thank you so much, this will be so helpful. Its been an outstanding request for many and would make a lot of people happy to see implemented. 😃👍

Hi there. 

I have not been in this thread much recently because i am loosing faith and hope. This request has been a MAJOR factor for us traders. This could be a deal breaker for us reaching peak season - Xmas. I do not have faith in square, i do not see this coming into place anytime in the near future. This from a business point of view could leave square with a lot less customers and i really do feel that this should be your number 1 priority. Quite clearly our voices are not being heard. I would much rather invest and spend time creating a new website. Full of false promises and hopes. I first reached out almost 1 year ago and we are still no further forward. I feel as though us traders should take matters into our own hands, find a more suitable website host as this quite clearly wont be implemented in 2021. Square has had many chances and heard the cry from many traders but yet we continue to pay our fee’s and cant get this. This change would not only help us but also be another ATTRACTIVE feature for square reaching new customers but im sorry, over 9 months and still NOTHING. Hope everyone manages to struggle through the busy peak period without this much needed request! Take care guys x