
Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?


@nailsbyjlyn @Kenzi Right now you can only edit the email confirmations for Square Appointment and we're tracking the request to be able to edit text messages too! We'll share any updates in this thread.


@Kenzi You can change the cut-off time that a client can cancel an Appointment from the Calendar & Booking section of your Appointments Dashboard: 

  1. Scroll down to Online Scheduling.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu below Cut-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule > choose a new time.
  3. Click Save.

Verified Answer

Re: Suggestion: Customize SMS notification

Hi @Mackay! Thanks for bringing this up. 🙂


I'll be sure to flag this with our Appointments Team who is tracking notification requests. Appreciate your flexibility in the meantime, and please don't hesitate to check in for updates.

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

159 Replies

Tom -- Is there a way to customize the text message reminder (as opposed to the email reminder)?

Sean -- But is there a way to customize the text message reminders (as opposed to the email ones), to get my customers to stop replying to their text reminders (since i am not getting them....)


Hello @jonsobin! Currently Appointments does not have the ability to customize the text on SMS messages. 


This would definitely make for a good feature request! I encourage you to start your own thread requesting this feature request! If you send me a private message once it's created I'll help you move it to our feature request board! This is the board where product managers come in to see what sellers are talking about and maybe some other sellers feel the same way about SMS messaging. 


I'll keep an eye out for your reply! 😀

Thanks for the note, Chad.  I am not sure how to start my own thread requesting this feature (the ability to customize text message reminders).  But while we are at it, I would also like to be able to keep the calendar open all day on my desktop without having to log in 5 or 6 times.  I would also like to get rid of the useless stuff above the calendar so i could see the whole day while looking at the week view instead of just a few hours.  Another improvement would be to be able to list two people as one unit for an appointment, but so each would get a reminder on their phone  -- I am a couples therapist -- instead of having to add each individual separately (which isn't actually very easy).


So... how would I start a thread with these suggestions?



Also, can they be listed all in one request, or does each have to  be listed separately?



@jonsobin, at the top of this page click search and then the page should reload and you will see the button change to "Start Thread". 


So when it comes to feature requests it's good to make separate posts based on product. For example the automatic sign out would fall under the Square Dashboard. 


While your request for removing the information at the top of the calendar would be an Appointments request. 


Currently we do have an active feature request thread for Group Sessions on Square Appointments


Please let me know if you still have questions!  😀

There doesn't seem to be a "Square Dashboard" option on the Start Thread page.  The options appear as follows:


Square Capital

Questions and How to

General Discussion


Hardware Troubleshooting

Using Square

General Discussion (again!)


Am I looking in the wrong place?



Go ahead and make it on General Discussion, because I'm going to move it to the Feature Request board afterwards. 


That's weird that General Discussion is listed twice. I'll make sure to look into that @jonshobin! 

I need the square community hive-mind here. I can see where youare able to customize the appointmnt reminders for email, but does this also customize the text message reminder? It doesnt appear to. 


And I just noticed where it cleary states text messages cannot be cstomized. Is this a feature coming in the future?