
Feature Request: Add Modifiers or Options to Services

Feature Request: Add Modifiers or Options to Services

PLEASE give the ability to add modifiers to services. This one omission is what keeps Square Appointments from being the perfect tool for my business.


Creating a separate service for each wanted modifier does not work, because just like items, certain modifiers only apply to certain services.


Being able to create modifiers for services, and possibly a time duration to each modifier to be added to the service time would be perfect. For example, as a vehicle detailing business:


SERVICE: Premium Detail (2 hrs)



  • Hand wax +$10 (+20min)
  • Sealant +$20 (+20min)
  • Fabric Guard +$20/+$30/+$40 (+20min)
  • etc.

As you can see, having a $20 fabric guard as a standalone service does not make sense, as it can not be booked as a standalone service. It's an add-on modifier to the Premium Detail. And perhaps I have another detail package that includes the fabric guard in the price, so that modifier doesn't necessarily apply to every service.


I can see this same concept working flawlessly with many other industries as well, such as a hair salon. The service could be a haircut, and an addon modifier could be "shampoo & blow dry". But a shampoo & blow dry is not a standalone service- it only works as a modifier to a haircut service.


Not only would this functionality tie in perfectly with the way items are already setup within Square, but it allows us to remember all the upsale and crossale options for our services, thereby increasing revenue for both the merchant as well as Square.

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How do I get add ons available to book with a service

@Archilaveronica You can add variations to a Service, but there isn't a way to set up Add-Ons I'm afraid. It's a feature request we're tracking in this post.


In the meantime, I hope you can use variations to create different combinations of your services! 

Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: Add Modifiers to Services

@AROBINSON we're with you, modifiers for services would be fantastic!


However, until this featuere comes around we've figured out a workaround.


Here's how it would look for you:

• Create your main services: "Premium Detail", "Standard Detail", etc.

• Then create more services: "+Hand Wax", "+Sealant", "+Fabric Guard 1", "+Fabric Guard 2", "+Fabric Guard 3", etc


When booking an appointment, it would look like this:

Mr. Joe Black

Thursday, Feb 7, 2019

9:00 AM-11:40 AM (2 hr, 40 mins)

Booked by You on 2/6/2019


Premium Detail (2 hours) $100.00

+Hand Wax (20 minutes) $20.00

+Sealant (20 minutes) $20.00

Total $140.00


167 Replies

Oof, sorry guys. My apologies - got word that modifiers can be added on the Seller side when booking through Appointments POS, but still not through the booking site. 


I checked with the Appointments Team on the ETA of when this feature will be released. It's SLATED for the end quarter 3, early 4th quarter  (don't hold me to it, as product releases have been pushed back in the past). 


Sorry to get you guys riled up, stay on the lookout! 









So after waiting more than two years and being “riled up” by false hope that a solution was at hand, you’re now saying we should wait another six to nine months for a basic booking feature that your competitors already have? What an utterly ridiculous response.





...the squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?


I want to keep the visibility of this request high.  Has the team made progress on this long standing request?

This drives me nuts and keeps me from using this app as anything other than a calendar and credit machine. It’s be great to have such a simple feature making a less frustrating and complex interface for the customer. 

@Helen Is there a way to be notified once this feature hits beta or is in active development? This is a huge miss for my business and we're currently working to setup other appointment booking software because this is so incredibly lacking within the square ecosystem.

The workaround provided by @BradSC is certainly one way to go about it but we've had issues with customers selecting impossible combinations and the experience for them is pretty terrible because we have to reach back out and explain why that combination can't work (when they're less than understanding in the first place) or inform them that in order to schedule x you also need y etc. This has caused more calls from confused customers that just want it to be simple and have me schedule it over the phone.

We constantly get asked to expand what we offer as far as services go online but without a better way to handle modifiers we can easily get under/over booked due to the lack of time modifications on the schedule. Between this and general customer confusion, it's just not something we can continue to offer in the current state of things.

We could very much use an update on this.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @HDD,


We'll update this thread if this ever goes into Beta or is announced as rolled out as a feature. You'll be notified via email since you've commented on this thread/subscribed to it.


You can also join our Beta Community here if you haven't already.

@AROBINSON I also own a detail shop and can't understand why on a service it shows me I have modifiers but they won't show up on website, when I call they say sorry its not a feature its just THERE basically to tease us?


I have been looking for alternatives to square to handle my booking because of this major miss and lack of care in the software. not being able to have these modifiers really screws up my schedule

Has there been any updates on this? I know that modifiers can be added to items but I need them to be available for services. I really want to stay with Square but more and more I'm looking into switching to something that has the options I need as a hairstylist. I could be making so much more money (and therefore charging more credit cards) if I was able to offer this option.

I would love options for my services too. I don't want options for items and I keep getting that as an answer. I want options for my services.

People have been asking for this for years. What's the deal? Anything new?