
Need to create an online ticket link for use on a venue's website - not mine

I need to create an online ticket/link for use on a venue's website for a one-time event.  I've read that it would give access to our Square account to the site builder - which I'm not thrilled about doing because we use it for our other shows before and after this particular event. Should I use another source like TIX? 


If no issues then the other issue is... i'm a dodo when it comes to setting up an online store for such and need help.



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Hey @ghiamstng, welcome to the seller community and thanks for surfacing this.


If I'm understanding what you're needing to do—it sounds like you need to post a link to your online store on a third party's website. You can do this by setting up your Square Online Store and giving the venue your store URL, which they can then add to their website. Once you've created your Online Store, you can get your URL by heading over to your Online Store tab > select proper location > Settings.


For step-by-steps on creating tickets for sale online, have a look here: List Items, Services, Tickets, and Donations.


Hope this helps get you where you need to be. If you have any remaining concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know and we'll be happy to take a deeper dive.

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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