
Is there a way to text a customer that their order is ready for pick up?

Is there a way to text a customer that their order is ready for pick up?

We expanded our small business (food trailer) this year which included using the square register with kitchen tickets. Since our business, at this moment, is strictly set up for events (fairs, festivals, etc.) I was thinking it would be neat to take the order and give the customer a number but instead of them waiting (unless they want to), text them a notice their food is ready to pick up. That way they won't have to keep checking back, they can enjoy their selves where they are at. Is that something I can do with square or is there another app that works with square?





96 Replies

Seconding this request! It's super annoying to have people wait in line to order, and then to basically have to be out on the patio shouting their name when stuff is ready and they have wandered off or are not paying attention. It's also super annoying to have to teach my staff to use yet another system to send an auto-generated text message, which frankly, they just plain forget to do because they are busy. Please add an order ready notification to the POS! please please please

Notify Customers is now available on the marketplace - https://squareup.com/us/en/app-marketplace/app/notify-customers

I have a solution that's now available on the marketplace - https://squareup.com/us/en/app-marketplace/app/notify-customers

We have a prepared food business that sells at a local farmer's market and the ability to text a customer when their order is ready would add significant value to the Square for Restaurants solution. I don't believe the email option is right for our use case as customers have to go and check email generally whereas a text typically pops on their phone's home screen.

We have a lot of food trucks using Notify Customers. 


@SuperJay Great idea, but there isn't a feature that provides an ETA on when their order will be ready. 


As for the text when ready feature, a thread has been started where we're tracking that request. I moved your post there