
How do I set up a gift card as a charitable donation?

How do I set up a gift card as a charitable donation?

Curious as how I can set up or put an amount on a  gift card as a charitable donation, without it showing as income but as a donation?

9 Replies

Hey @Therapy01, welcome and thanks for bringing this up.


To make sure I'm on the same page — are you referring to issuing a Square Gift Card from your business to someone else as a donation?


Loading a gift card will result as a sale in your reporting. In this case, we do not currently offer a "charitable donation" or similar tender option to track these kinds of transactions. I will share your post with our Product Liaison team, who is always working on improvements based on seller feedback. We'll circle back with any other available updates.


In the meantime, you may want to touch base with a tax professional for advice an any impact this may or may not have with reporting income.


Hope this helps. Please let us know if anything else comes up!

I am also very interested in a solution to this. I used the "other payment" option to be able to gift gift cards and put in the notes who it was for and it was a donation. In a small community retail stores tend use donations as a marketing tactic and an easy way to do this would be appreciated. 


Thanks for checking in here, @sammyandnatrye.

I went to check for updates on this request and we still do not have an option built out as you all have described. For now, it sounds like what you're doing by using Other Tender is the best workaround. I also wanted to surface this thread as a few other sellers brought up a similar request and developed a workaround: How to give customer store credit/voucher.


Rest assured that I'll be surfacing your experience with our Point of Sale team and point out an opportunity to automate bookkeeping when it comes to donations.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: How to issue a gift card under house charge

Hi there, I am new to square and just received my gift cards to start selling thru square as well.  I am trying to make a gift card donation to a fundraiser and issue it for $25.  However it being a donation I have not collected the $25.  How do I enter the payment as $0 to put it under like a house charge?  Any help is much appreciated.  Thank you


Hi @IBS! 👋 I moved your post in to this thread where other sellers asked a similar question. Tom's Best Answer (above) has a link to another thread about how to give store credit.


If you have any other questions or if I misunderstood your question please let me know so I can help! 

This reply was created from merging an existing thread

Add a form of payment that is a donation or otherwise account for donated product and gift cards.





Hello @mooretoys! The current workaround to track donations is in this thread


Can you provide a bit more information about what you need in terms of gift cards reporting?

How do I create an online gift card for a donation?