
How can I send a Marketing campaign to a group of customers who purchased a certain item?

How can I send a Marketing campaign to a group of customers who purchased a certain item?



I would like to send a campaign only to customers who purchased a certain item or certain items within a categorey. How can I do that? 

4 Replies

Hey @square_marc,


I can see how this would be helpful in a variety of scenarios—thank you for bringing this up. At this time, we do not offer an automated campaign or a single source where you could view a list of customers who purchased a specific set of items.


I will make sure that our Customer Engagement Team sees your post. In the meantime, I would suggest adding customers who purchase a set of items that you'd like to track to a custom group as you go. This would allow you to create a targeted Square Email Marketing campaign for that group when the time comes. I realize that this is a manual process and may not work perfectly at scale, but wanted to surface as a workaround. We'll return to this thread as soon as any developments come through that may help streamline this process.


Appreciate your patience as we do make enhancements based on seller feedback. Please let us know if anything else comes up!

Hello Square Community,


I would like to create an automated email campaign for each individual item my client purchases. I want to target my clients based on what they've purchased, and up-sell them based on their personal needs and desires. Is this possible?


For example, if they purchase <item 1> then <email sequence 1> will automatically be sent. Or if they purchase <item 2> then <email sequence 2> will be sent to them. 


Please direct me on how I can set this up in the marketing section. Thank you! 




Hello @ash777. Congrats on your first post in the Seller Community!


At this time we don't have an option built out to send marketing email to those who have purchased particular items. However, I did merge your post here so you can check out Tom's workaround above. Hoping it can help you out in the mean time.


Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with!

Wondering if this is maybe in the works? TIA