
Custom transaction report for export

Currently I manually match email transaction reports against receipts in hand.


I would really like to export a daily report that has date, transaction total, and last four of card, all of which is sent in individual messages now.


Givden that this is already selected out and sent in pieces by the system, it seems like a very simple report to produce.

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Message 1 of 13
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Better custom report for export

Hi there, @mikesclub. Thanks for adding your voice here. And thank you for your honesty - it is truly appreciated. I think I can provide a little clarity to the life of a Feature Request.


We field thousands of Feature Requests each week here on the Seller Community, and bringing these features to fruition often takes an ample amount of time and effort from our engineers. We want to ensure that our releases are not just surface level products, but the best all-around resources to help you grow your business.


These requests also span an array of different aspects of our products; some are more major, while some are periphery features. Our Product Teams do have a road-map for future additions to our offering, but the nature of our work includes trial, error, and set-backs. So sharing a timeline would be far from accurate and more than likely cause more confusion and angst. 


We are grateful that we have been able to help grow so many businesses through our offering up to this point, and we continue to strive to create more efficient and stream-lined products to ensure that growth continues. In the meantime, we really appreciate your patience.


If you are interested in learning more about the life of a feature request, I would recommend taking a look at these Best Practices post from Katie - it is an extremely helpful resource.


Again, thanks for hanging tough on this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here! I will be keeping a look out for your response. 


Square Community Moderator

You can absolutely download a transaction report with this information!


You can review your payment history from the Transactions Tab of your Square Dashboard.

You can also download a spreadsheet of your payment history on this page. To do so:

1. Visit the "Transactions tab"
2. Use the date-selector at the top-left corner to choose the date range you wish to view. Click the middle of the date-selector tool to see a full calendar view.
3. Click All Day to choose a custom time frame in hours.
4. In the top right corner, click Export, and then click Transactions.
5. A complete list of your transactions will populate for the date range selected in a CSV file, which will download to your computer. This file will include a separate column for fees, tax, tip, the last four digits of the payment card, and the payment URL.

Message 2 of 13

True, E.J., but I do not need 31 columns of data. I want a custom report that prodvides the data I need, and can be produced very, very quickly every day we have sales.


Our transactions are simple, there are no tips. I need four columns of data only.

Message 3 of 13

@CharlesLittle - Appreciate the feedback! I definitely understand how you'd want to save some time by getting exactly what you need. While we don't currently offer this functionality, I'll be sure to pass your feedback along to our product liaison team. Thanks for the post! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 4 of 13

I am having trouble with the exporting of transactions to a csv file.  The date format displays incorrectly.  In some cases it's displayed as yyyy-mm-dd.  Where the date should be March 6, 2017, it displays in Excel as 2003-06-17.  In the same export, other transaction dates will display as mm/dd/yy.  Where the date should be April 15, 2017, it display in Excel as 04/15/17 which makes more sense and I could live with that but having dates in different formats and some that are inaccurate makes it impossible to sort transactions by date.  I have tried changing the Excel date format and a number of other things.  What should I be doing in this situation?



Message 5 of 13

I have the same issue with date formatting.  Our auditor has requested that we fix it but there is no simple way to do this in excel as the format varies throughout the report.  Did you find any solution to this?

Message 6 of 13

Hey @AnitaM-


Unfortunately there's not a way to change how the date format is exported. However, you should be able to change the format by column in your excel settings. That's the only workaround at this time. 

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 7 of 13

Maybe you (Square) and I mean two different things when we say "custom report".


Since most of the data Square collects can only be accessed by exporting a file to Excel, I need to be able to customize that file. 


Specifically, I want to choose which columns are included. Every day, after I export the file, I waste a lot of time reconfiguring the spreadsheet and hiding columns like "time zone", "transaction ID", and "customer name" (along with a half dozen more). Besides the fact that there is a lot of clutter, I have to show my reports to other people who should not be able to see customer names, etc.


Is there any way for me to configure a custom "exportable" report, so that I only have to do this once? 

Message 8 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Hey @mikesclub,


I moved your post to an existing thread where another seller asked for the same thing.


I want the Product Team to be able to track requests in one place so I'm putting it here but at the time this isn't a functionality we offer with our reporting. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 9 of 13

I appreciate that you want to keep things organized, but you moved me into a thread where the same request was made 3 1/2 years ago. And the same problem still exists.


I'm frustrated by this, and it's not the first time. I see a lot of feature requests on this forum, some many years old. The standard response seems to be "I can see how this would be helpful, and I've passed it along to our technical team". And then the request is marked "solved".


Can I ask, is there a list of features you guys are working on, and any timeline for expected rollout? And are any of the features that users' request ever implemented?


It's very frustrating. (And please flag this post as "unsolved" until it's actually solved). Thanks guys.

Message 10 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @mikesclub. Thanks for adding your voice here. And thank you for your honesty - it is truly appreciated. I think I can provide a little clarity to the life of a Feature Request.


We field thousands of Feature Requests each week here on the Seller Community, and bringing these features to fruition often takes an ample amount of time and effort from our engineers. We want to ensure that our releases are not just surface level products, but the best all-around resources to help you grow your business.


These requests also span an array of different aspects of our products; some are more major, while some are periphery features. Our Product Teams do have a road-map for future additions to our offering, but the nature of our work includes trial, error, and set-backs. So sharing a timeline would be far from accurate and more than likely cause more confusion and angst. 


We are grateful that we have been able to help grow so many businesses through our offering up to this point, and we continue to strive to create more efficient and stream-lined products to ensure that growth continues. In the meantime, we really appreciate your patience.


If you are interested in learning more about the life of a feature request, I would recommend taking a look at these Best Practices post from Katie - it is an extremely helpful resource.


Again, thanks for hanging tough on this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here! I will be keeping a look out for your response. 


Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 11 of 13

I completely agree with @mikesclub on this one. All the data is there in the database. Adding a fully configurable custom report option would probably solve so many people's requests and frustrations. I spend way to much time deleting unwanted information and trying to combine different reports to produce the actual report I need. You have such a great product, but every business has different reporting needs. Please, please give us the option to decide what we want in our reports.

Message 12 of 13

Just adding another voice and vote.  Seems silly to be able to "Customize" a report but yet when you export it it's lost that customization.  I too only want a subset of the data in the export not all of the columns. 



Message 13 of 13