
trouble understanding mobile terminal appointments compatibility

I am interested in the square mobile terminal that prints receipts for my small mobile business. The FAQ states that it is not compatible with Appointments APP, but may be added - however the FAQ also says you can switch from square POS to appointments by changing your account.


If I am understanding this I can use square appointments on my phone and continue using the mobile POS to accept card payments?


Also - does this POS do inventory tracking


edit - I would like to add, when appointments is added to this POS do I have to purchase a new one, or does the software update? where can I find information on upgrading software and hardware in the future?

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @easytvmounting - thanks for taking the time to join us here on the Seller Community and reach out with your questions! Happy to have you. Welcome!


We can help clarify here. Currently, the Square Terminal is not compatible to run the Square Appointments software. We hope to be able to expand the Appointments features to the Terminal in the future, but we don't have an accurate timeline to share just yet.


Even though you run a Square Terminal with your account, you can still book using Square Appointments through the mobile Point of Sale app and collect payment using your Square Terminal.


Yes, the Point of Sale app can track inventory. More on this here


Let me know if that gets you where you need to be!

Community Moderator, Square
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