
calendar management

My company uses the appointments feature for employees to schedule meetings with our leadership team at tradeshows. We would like to connect each calendar for the leadership team to the administrative assistant that supports each one, however, we have multiple executives that are supported by 1 admin. I would like to link the same email address to multiple staff accounts. Is this possible?

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I don't have an answer for you, but would just like to say this would be a helpful feature for many businesses, even if they didn't have your specific need.


Any business where a supervisor, for instance, would want to be informed of all appointments made with staff. It'd be helpful to be able to have the supervisor/manager/owner notified automatically without having to log into Appointments or their Dashboard periodically to check.

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Hello @tfavini


Currently each staff profile will need a unique email address. You won't be able to use the same email address for multiple profiles. You could add the admins as additional staff members and assign them the front desk role. This will allow them to manage all staff calendars. The only thing is this might become confusing depending on how many appointments you're setting up.


Another option is to setup Appointments Accounts for each admin. Each admin could have the leadership team members they support listed as staff members. This way the admin only sees the appointments that matter to them. The leadership team members can be restricted to viewing their own calendars to avoid confusion. The employees would be setup as clients since they out number the staff members. 


Let me know if you have any questions! I would be happy to help out. 🙂

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