Square Champion

Where can I get a data source on my site to inject to pinterest?

Hi Seller Community!


Just wondering what link I can provide in here 


That wouldn't make Pinterest complain about an inaccurate/badly formatted link?


I tried /sitemap.xml but they didn't seem happy. The file can be CSV/TSV/XML and must be hosted on the web, anyone any ideas?


@frances_a would you happen to know???

Matt - He/They
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Message 1 of 12

Hey @MJD, I'm just stepping in for Frances here! 


From the screenshot, it looks like Pinterest is looking for a data source/feed URL, similar to what's powered Facebook Shop & Instagram Shop.


Unfortunately, there isn't a way to access the data source or product feed currently on Square Online site. I had a look around and there is a manual workaround that allows this, where you can upload and host your product feed on your Google Drive. Here are more information about it. Let me know if that will help!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 2 of 12
Square Champion

Thank you @tranguyen!


Any ideas on how I can download all my products in a csv file then?

Matt - He/They
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Message 3 of 12

You can export your entire item library from the Dashboard here. There should be an option under Action > Export Library > Export to Excel or CSV!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 4 of 12
Square Champion

Sadly doesn't work as Square doesn't use all the necessary headers, could this be brought up with the team as this could be a game changer for many of us as well as catalogue management being something Square claim to take control of upon Pinterest connection in the upgraded plan if I recall correctly

Matt - He/They
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Message 5 of 12

Sorry to hear that the manual workaround didn't help Matt! I will definitely share your feedback with the team.


Going to tag in @AdamB in case he has some tricks up his sleeve as well!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 6 of 12

Hi @MJD and thanks for the tag @tranguyen.


If you know what headers are missing, you could take your CSV into Google sheets and add in the missing header columns and information. It's not very efficient but should work. Once you have everything in, download it as an XML file and upload it to a page of your site using a link and the file option (right-click to get the URL of the XML file after publishing).


Square Community, Platform
Message 7 of 12
Square Champion

Could we possibly put it in as a feature request to have a pinterest data source on our sites the same way we have one for instagram and facebook?

Matt - He/They
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Message 8 of 12

Absolutely! Post it to the Square Online Feature Request board and I'll share that with the appropriate product team for extra visibility.

Square Community, Platform
Message 9 of 12

@MJD Thanks for bringing attention to this in 2021!

I'm currently experiencing this as well.

Did you find a solution or create a feature request for it?

I would be happy to support it!

Many thanks for any updates.

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 10 of 12

I'm resorting to creating my own spreadsheet / csv file and hosting it. Pinterest has details on this in their support (with sample csv files) and info on the fields. You can find that here: https://help.pinterest.com/en/business/article/data-source-ingestion

Unfortunately, it's manual & tedious and the xls file we can DL from the square dashboard really doesn't help (you'd have to do a lot of erasing and renaming to essentially reinvent the wheel).

Another article explaining the process is here: https://www.takesomerisk.com/pinterest-shopping-setup-catalog/

I think A LOT of us are in the same position where we started using square in like 2010 for taking cards at in-person event, and, over time, we started using new tools as square rolled them out, including the square / weebly online collaboration. I appreciate it, I really do. But I keep running into limitations where the answer is to pay for more upgrades. I'm wondering if I DO sign up for a paid account whether this issue will be solved. I see if I click the big "Upgrade" link from my Online "overview" page, I see this below the paid-account choices:

Social selling

Connect your social media accounts and sell on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and more

Does this mean paying for an account will facilitate the catalog integration with Pinterest? If so, I'd be willing to pay. But IF NOT, I feel it would be a waste. I feel like none of us are getting any straightforward answers on this topic.

Message 11 of 12

I haven't personally set up our Pinterest integration so I don't want to oversell what you can do. I did find Pinterest's own guide on connecting your Square Online store with Pinterest. As a user of Pinterest, it might be more clear to you from that what will happen once you've connected and authorized your store.

Square Community, Platform
Message 12 of 12
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