
What can I do when my contactless chip reader won't pair with my Galaxy S3?

My new reader will not pair with my Galaxy S3 + Android 4.4.2 (yes its on the supported device list). Phone sees the reader, displays the pairing message, then says "Failed to pair".  I have the latest square app available from google play as of 18 June, reset the phone, and fully charged both devices. No luck. Also noticed that the reader pairing button is very difficult to press, requiring lots of force and often multiple tries before it "clicks". Anyone else having these problems?

Message 1 of 31
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

OK I finally got it working. Restarting the phone twice did not help, but after the second restart I turned bluetooth off then on. Now it pairs!  After the first pairing the app begins updating the reader. Several times throughout the update it will turn off the reader and prompt to turn it back on. But every time I turn the reader back on, the app does not reconnect until bluetooth is turned off and on. After all the updates were done I confirmed that EVERY TIME the app is opened, bluetooth has to be cycled off and on before it sees and reconnects the reader. Users who keep the app and reader on all day may not care. But users like me who run the app only when needed I'm sure will find this frustrating and inconvenient. I hope a future update will fix having to turn bluetooth off and on every time. I don't do that with any other bluetooth device so why this one?

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Message 2 of 31

Best Answer

OK I finally got it working. Restarting the phone twice did not help, but after the second restart I turned bluetooth off then on. Now it pairs!  After the first pairing the app begins updating the reader. Several times throughout the update it will turn off the reader and prompt to turn it back on. But every time I turn the reader back on, the app does not reconnect until bluetooth is turned off and on. After all the updates were done I confirmed that EVERY TIME the app is opened, bluetooth has to be cycled off and on before it sees and reconnects the reader. Users who keep the app and reader on all day may not care. But users like me who run the app only when needed I'm sure will find this frustrating and inconvenient. I hope a future update will fix having to turn bluetooth off and on every time. I don't do that with any other bluetooth device so why this one?

Message 2 of 31
Square Community Moderator

Hi there! I can definitely see why toggling off and on your bluetooth settings would be a pain. This shouldn't be required to automatically re-connect to your Square Contactless and Chip Card Reader, as it should do so automatically once you open the Register app. It can take a moment or two, and often times force quitting the app also helps. 

Message 3 of 31

well "should" and "actual" are different things and this does not do the "should".

My reader is so flakey it wont stay connected anymore.  I get it connected and less than 3 minutes later it disconnects even though the tablet says it is pared.

the hardware is aweful, and I am going to be held liable for chargbacks because I have to swipe a chip card!!!

Way to go Visa!!  I am following the rules but because of poor hardware I will get screwed!  YES?

Message 4 of 31

@vintiquellc - So sorry to hear about the trouble! This definitely shouldn't be happening. Have you already had chance to try out these troubleshooting steps? We'd also be happy to run you through them over the phone, just give us a call when you're free. Hope this helps! 

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 5 of 31

Thank you for posting this second response, I suddenly began to have the exact same problem with my contactless reader. It refused to pair, of course at my first big juried show! I was forced to use the magstripe reader that day. But now turning bluetooth on, off again, and on as you suggested allows my reader to pair. A pain for sure, but at least now I can pair it, thanks! Hopefully they will investigate and get an update to register for this.

Message 6 of 31

Mine still will not pair after off/on bluetooth

Message 7 of 31

@Mgkerby - So sorry to hear about the trouble! Have you already had a chance to got through all of these troubleshooting steps?

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 8 of 31

Tried all the troubleshooting ..nothing worked. I just recieved a replacement. HOPE IT WORKS BETTER

Message 9 of 31

Hi @MoMere, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. Are you having better results with the second reader? It sounds like you're familiar with all of the troubleshooting tips that usually resolve any problem right away. If issues persist, you might consider touching base with an IT specialist for on-site assistance or you can file a warranty claim.


@Bmort84 and @Mgkerby, we hear you. Hopefully you were able to sort this out with our Support team. Rest assured that I'll be sharing each of your experiences with our product liaison team, who tracks these issues and makes improvements based on seller feedback.

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 10 of 31

I am having the same issue, I have a brand new square contactless and chip reader and it is rejecting the pairing after I have tried all of the trouble shooting tips. This is infuriating.

Message 11 of 31

Sorry to hear that, @witcesden07. If you've ran through all of the troubleshooting tips, and confirmed that the device is supported, you can contact us directly so we can take a look with you. If nothing else, you can also begin the warranty process for a replacement unit.

Message 12 of 31

I am glad to find that I am not the only one having these problems. I am so frustrated! I guess for now I will just have to use the magstripe, since I have a big show tomorrow and do not have any time to deal with this. I really like the idea of this and hope it will be resolved soon, or maybe I will just have to find another product.

Message 13 of 31
Square Community Moderator

@Clewis sorry to hear you're having trouble. Were you able to get everything up and running before your big show? 


If not, I'm more than happy to help out in any way I can. 

Message 14 of 31

Love Square, but not the contactless chip reader.  I have been in touch with support twice in past couple of months.  Reader can work fine--plug it in at the end of the day to charge.  Then, next morning, it will not pair.  I do everything. . .turn Bluetooth on and off, force stop the chip reader, reinstall Square software, log out and log in. . .and here I am again with no pairing. I have to run chip credit cards through the magstripe, which I don't like for security reasons.   There must be something one can do to make this work.  This is my second reader as first was defective.  😞 

Message 15 of 31

I am having the exact same problem! It's so frustrating. The chip reader will not stay connected. It works fine for multiple transactions and then somehow it loses connection with my phone and then I can't pair it no matter what I do. I'm glad I found this thread. I figured the device is new and they have a lot of kinks to work out. The chip reader is not efficient and it doesn't work! I'll be calling customer service first thing in the morning. Maybe if enough of us complain, they'll fix the issues.

Message 16 of 31

I couldn't get my contactless reader to work for about the last 6 weeks, and finally took the time this morning to call in.  The guy I talked to walked me through making sure the Bluetooth on my phone was seeing it, and pairing it directly with the bluetooth.  But it still wouldn't show up on the POS app, until I uninstalled it, and downloaded it fresh.  Then it automatically showed it as available since it was already in Bluetooth.  So, I learned how to use Bluetooth a bit better.  We'll see how it works this weekend at the farmer's markets.

Message 17 of 31

@FarmMom - Thanks for sharing, and glad you were able to get things sorted out!  

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 18 of 31

I relize the original post was over a year ago, but when I did my Google search this came up near the top. As I experienced the same problem as the OP, and as this was on top of a Google search I wanted to post my results here to share with others that mind find themselves here.


My Setup:

Samsung Tab 4 10.1 - running Android 5.02 Lollipop - Square version 4.76.2

Samsung S2 8.0 - running Android 7.0 Nougat - Square version 4.76.2

Both tablets with a standard magstripe reader, and both tablets with an EMV/NFC contactless reader, which both of those contactless readers were purchased around October/November 2016 at the same time.


Long story short, the contactless worked perfect for both of my devices when I originally bought them. Roll forward a year (2017) and the contactless readers will now no longer pair with my Tab 4, but they pair perfectly find with my S2 tablet. The only thing that changed was I did all of the Android updates, as well as the Square app updates. About to start looking at new tablets, and/or possibly downgrading to the EMV magstripe reader (at least I can still accept chip cards), and I find this post. Thank you to @FarmMom for outlining tech supports efforts to pair the reader directly in Bluetooth settings!


Though the support documentation says specifically NOT to do this, and this is NOT how I paired them in the past.....this was the ONLY way I could get the contactless to connect to my Tab 4. Once it was paired in Android Bluetooth, I opened the Square app and voila! There was the reader! I have yet to put it the longevity test as far as - will it easily repair after it goes to sleep - will it drop connection when I need it most. Time will tell. Hopefully not as I never had an issue with it before. But for those who can't get it to pair via the Square app, try the Android Bluetooth connections - despite what Square documentation says.




Message 19 of 31

I recently purchased a Square Contactless + Chip Reader and spent 2 1/2 days attempting to get it to pair with my iPhone OR iPad Pro.  I read all the instructions several times, followed the steps in the included manual, shut off and restarted my iPhone and iPad several times but it would not pair with either.  I was getting ready to ship it back when I tried one last time and it WORKED!   In all my failed attempts I was following ALL INSTRUCTIONS to hold the pairing button untill the 4 orange lights started (after they were green initially,).  When I finally got it to work I held the button in only for a second or two and while the 4 lights were still GREEN, I released the button and placed it next to my device which then paired immediately!

Everywhere else, the instructions said release the pairing button and place next to your device when the lights turned orange, and BEFORE THEY TURNED RED.

I hope this helps other's, as it sure was a big problem for me!

Thanks, Craig

Message 20 of 31

Hi @CCStrand, welcome to the seller community and thanks for taking the time to share your experience with how you got it to work. Pairing your reader should be simple; I'll be sure to flag this with the appropriate team. Apologies for any confusion.


If you notice any other issues or if anything else comes up, please don't hesitate to let us know. We appreciate your insight! 🙂

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 21 of 31
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.