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Square accounting integration that covers checking savings and loan accounts QuickBooks sucks
QuickBooks online sucks for integrating square sales, checking, savings and loans into. It is outrageously frustrating. I’ve tried everything. Different integration programs, all kinds of different approaches. Nothing works effectively. Long time comin, I’m over it.
What are some options for accounting software that accounts for the square sales, square checking, square savings and square loans, seamlessly, with minimal to no input after I set it up?
I need desperately to get this sorted out, I am so over the nonsense and the garbage of these programs, I just want something that works the way it should, all inclusive in its recording and that’s not going to give me problems or glitch out or be a subpar software where it counts.
What do y’all know about an end all, be all, record all, business handling machine of an accounting software that does all my square accounting seamlessly?
Please. Help.

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Hello @Alwx thanks for your post. I feel your pain with working with accounting software, particular with integrations into other programs. I've learned to handled my Quickbooks manually, using data from Square reports. It is by no means the easiest option, but I feel that learning accounting basics has helped me in my business overall. I think you'll find that most integrations with ANY accounting software will be messy....in all of the forums I've read, there is always something that doesn't work well with these "automatic" solutions. Perhaps another Square Seller would be able to offer a solution for you.
Do you currently use Quickbooks or another accounting program for your business. I've heard from many Square Sellers who want to use Square to record everything, however...Square only reports and tracks income and money received. There is an entire other part to your business (Expenses) that Square cannot track for you. Make sure you're using a program that can keep track of all of your expenses as well as your income so you'll have a complete picture of the health of your business finances.
If you really want the best (easiest) means for this, I'd look into working with someone who can either maintain your accounting books for you, or help setup routines and practices to make your accounting process easier for you. That was the choice I made; my accountant who does my year-end taxes was able to recommend a bookkeeper who spent a few hours with me and answered my questions and saw how I needed to record transactions for my business.
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I currently use QBO, but anything from my square checking account (I use square as a POS for credit and debit transactions, then, once it pulls any amounts owed toward my square “loan,” it pulls whatever percentage of the sale of choose and puts it into my square savings (disperses it according to my preferences amongst different folders created in my square savings acct) and puts whatever is left into my square checking account. I can then either use the card issued via square checking OR manually transfer it to my bank, either instantly for a fee or overnight for free.
typically, I just use the card, why not?
Probably thisbisnwhybnkt, as even if I I transfer a pdf off or csv or whatever square let’s me get away with downloading the info as, I still can only import 1000 lines of excel type documents at a time, AND, it likes to record the payments/withdrawals as income and transfers into and out of my savings account as income and likes to count my loans as transfers and pretty much any money moved anywhere, except for from square checking to my reg bank which goes down as a transfer (sometimes, or sometimes as a withdrawal, depends on how it feels that day), as income.
it is extremely frustrating. I set it up tk act a certain way, it does the opposite. I set it up opposite and go through and delete all transactions recorded backwards, and oh look it wants to record transactions properly and pretty much no matter where or how I designate the each transaction, whether it’s in, out, transfer, withdrawal, sales, loan payment, McDonald’s off mg square card, transfer to my ‘taxes’ folder in my savings acct, transfer from my ‘workkng capital’ folder in my savings to my checking acct to pay for materials, and then from my checking to my regular bank acct, regardless of what I tell it to do or try to manipulate it into acting like, it just goes rogue and records everything as income and sometimes payments as transfers to acts that don’t actually exist. Like I have supposedly 85,000 in my square checking acct. and another 13,400 in my regular bank account. Square savings isn’t too shabby with another 23k and my ‘cost of goods sold’ and my ‘jobsite materials and supplies’ accounts are sporting 6 and 7 grand respectively. Like wtf. How is there not been enough frustration with the integration between these two to where someone has had enough and just made this work, either from square or from QuickBooks. There are millions of hours in coding and setup and tons of videos on the web about how to do the workarounds or buy this or thag software to integrate for you and it ends up being trash and waste of money, how is theee not one person who knows computers, kkows both programs, and is sick as hell of the level of nonsense created between the two platforms when do many, SO MANY other software integrations are so smooth and transition effortlessly? How is there not one computer genius that hasn’t been effected but this outrageously frustrating hiccup on both companies parts and their reluctance to provide a real, effective, not rocket science caliber way of making this unnecessarily difficult issue just go the eff away.
it could even be marketed as the end all be all square to QuickBooks suite problem solving software. Know how many people would invest in it?! And it couldn’t really even be thag dofficukt for someone who knows coding and setup t be able to manipulate and setup as an actual solution.
hell I’d pay a developer to produce something practical, that works, that isn’t counter intuitive or only worth anything to a computer programming genius, that could aid in the quest for the end of this actual bullcrap system of proprietary entities warring it up between each other where the only ones who suffer are the users who face little to no alternatives, that just so happen to also be effin impossibke to implement smoothly or thag actually makes life not miserable. I love owning a business. Until I think about how redundant the idea of using two clashing software programs for operations and accounting and how impossibly work they have gone about making the two react and respond to information sharing between the two.
its th DUMBEST thing I’ve ever had to attempt to work with. It’s maddening.
seriously I’m going to chat gpt an some sort of movement that ends both of these programs for good due to their insistence on making life hell for the multitudes.
“Yoh have tk have 18 accounting degrees, a programming degree, be a monk whose reached the 33rd chamber of the shaolin, a 33rd degree free mason, a mystic yogi from India whose attained and achieved true enlightenment for a period of 33 years without speaking a word, oh ya AND yoh have to ACTUALLY BE JESUS. Only then, young grasshopper, can you unlock the ancient Chinese secret of integrating your sales, savings, loans, checking and regular bank accounts into QuickBooks flawlessly and easily.
ya, ya, ya, we know it should be a simple thing. If I’m computing it with my OWN brain, I don’t do sk bad, just takes forever to manually transfer the data. Wanna speed thag uo?
ya thanks square, thanks quick books suite.
you both are evil, terrible corporations who, if you just made a simple bridge for all this, would probably monopolize the market even further.
but na. You’d rather make lives trrribke for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of needy business owners.
what? Focus on my business instead of always on whethe my accounting will come hit right for once?
Ya, no. Sorry. You shall suffer. Now to bow to the QuickBooks square live child underworld god who doth own that asssset you so heavily rely on puny mortal! Business is supposed to make you hate your life, not enrich it or enable you to get ahead!! Such a dumb little mortal puny piece of schlit these pathetic business owners are, bahahahahaja!”
now can you see why I’m so effin angry?
shouldntnhave to. Should be an “integration,” not a spit show. This is wack as vanilla ice, and we are just expected to agree and take it? How has nobody fixed this with an actual simple, working model of what to do here to keep this from requiring two or three or four more softwares and programs and subscriptions in order to make it work? This is some straight horse spit and I for one, say it’s time for something better. Something I don’t have to fork out an extra $400
a year PLUS AN ACCOUTANT TO MONITOR AND CLEAN UP EVERY MONTH. It’s ridiculous. There is most definitely a better way. I just wanna know whose found it, and the.man, PLEASE, tell me how to achieve enlightenment here because this is the dumbest, most ridiculous redundancy I’ve ever had to actively stay engaged in to get to the end of the candy land.
this is not only unacceptable, but a straight kick to the teeth to all their clients, both companies.
there needs to be some sort of something happening here and there just isn’t. WHH THE EFF NOT???
It’s a MJAOR problem experienced by EVERY USER of both platforms and who integrate them. Every single one of us has an issue with how stupid and ain’t user friendly the “integration” between the two is. Why has there been ABSOLUTELY ZERO REAL PROGRESS HERE???
why are we, as Americans especially, settling for this inexcusable behavior from companies that we ACTUALLY PAY ACTUALLY HARD EARNED DOLLARS TO just to be jerked around and made a mockery of? What the hell is this bull crap?
this isn’t how I was raised. I pay for the best of the best, and only that, and anything less can go out of business because in America, we want the biggest best brightest flashiest dumbest whatever the eff it is, so LONG AS IT WORKS LIKE ITS SUPPOSED TO WITHOUT BEING TOO DIFFICULT TO ACTUALLY OPERATE OR FUNCTION.
What happens to products that work less than optimistically or in a manner that is not setup for our success with it? It is RE imagined, destroyed, or rendered obsolete and outsourced to some company that CAN provide desirable results.
why is this not taking place here?! Why are we, at such high numbers , settling for this subpar service a d inefficient form of getting things done? Are we really all just waiting around for something that continues to just never come?
shre, plenty capitalize off of the void they thrust us into, but the lack, the total lack, of a solution here is not only surprising, but appalling and beguiling as it is ridiculous and mysteriously absent from the realm of existence. What the hell is going on?
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@Alwx ;
As far as I know there is No One application that will enter all data types with One click to all forms of QuickBooks. Each type of Transaction into QuickBooks is handled differently and has different accounts that they can effect. So usually an integration into QuickBooks has to be set up for each type of Record keeping because of book keeping and taxes. So A sales Transaction is handled Differently then Banking Transactions which is also handled differently than a loan. Then you also have Purchase Orders and Journal entries etc. Most POS systems will transfer out their data like Square does as a csv file, then the integration is set up for the type of csv file that your trying to upload to Quickbooks. Now in the future maybe AI can look at a huge CSV file and determine the type of Transaction to enter this data into Quickbooks at the click of one button. As of now programmers just set their Integration up for 1 type of integration to quickbooks with added costs for some for other integrations to QuickBooks. The one that does the most as I said before is Transaction Pro Importer for Desktop or Quickbooks Online. You can try them free to see if this will work for you. Again this is not Free but does Cost about $300 a year to do everything Online yearly. https://www.transactionpro.com
Watch their videos and see if this is what you are looking for. Most of us here are just users and business owners and cannot explain why the codes are so difficult to make for transfer of data, besides thank a Hacker. These businesses like Square and QuickBooks create their priority code so that others can not hack it or manipulate it and steal from their customers.
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@Alwx ;
I am not sure which Integration you are using. Most Integrations from a POS do not Account for all the the things you are referring to in one seamless motion. I use Transaction Pro Importer TPI for my Square to QB-Desktop integration. https://get.transactionpro.com
I have been using the Desktop version since 2020, and only bought the $300 version 1 time. Now with QBO you need to buy it yearly or pay monthly for it.
They also have an integration for importing to QBO. The thing I like about TPI is that you can use it for any platform that can export data in a CSV file. I use this to import my Online sales and my Square Sales from csv to QuickBooks. Then set it up to use to import my Square loan to QuickBooks. Downloaded my csv from square about my loan and chose a way to import it to QuickBooks.
As for Checking and Savings, my bank has downloadable files that when I open them they go right into QuickBooks.
Transactions Supported with TPI QBDesktop and QBOnline.
- Bank Statements - I have not tried this feature as my Bank statements are in a QBS file from my bank
- Bills
- Bill Payments
- Checks
- Credit Card Charges
- Credit Card Credits
- Credit Memos
- Deposits
- Estimates
- Invoices
- Journal Entries
- Purchase Orders
- Purchases – Cash (Expenses)
- Receive Payments
- Refund Receipts
- Sales Receipts - Each Transaction is loaded to QB the way I have mine setup (can do Daily sales totals too)
- Time Activities
- Transfers (Bank) - How I accounted for a Square Loan
- Vendor Credits
For the Square Loan I think I had to set it up as a Transfer into QuickBooks. So I downloaded the Square Loan CSV then had it imported to QBs. Since I have my Square sales going into a holding checking account, I just had that holding account transfer the $ for the loan to the Loan account in QB's and then with a rule setup in QuickBooks it applied the Transaction from the Holding account to the Square Loan Account.. The best thing I like is I can import my Amazon, Etsy, Online and Square sales all using this one integration with a few Clicks as long as the data is in a csv format. So as long as you can get your Square Checking and Savings accounts information as a csv, you should be able to set this up to import the data to QBO. 1 Software interface to learn to do it all, not a software integration for Square, then a new integration for something new in the future. The hardest part was figuring out How to Map the CSV file to my QuickBooks account. I was trying to learn QBs and TPI at the same time. I emailed Support at TPI and they helped me figure it out. The biggest issue people seem to have is the Rounding errors with QuickBooks from Square. This is because Square assigns Sales Tax to 2 Decimal places per ITEM, and QuickBooks uses the total sale price then applies sales tax, which leaves a small rounding error. I had to figure out how to turn this Off in QuickBooks since I import the Total sales tax for the transaction listed as an Item but accounted for as Sales tax type account.
Here is a video I made after first starting out with the TPI software and importing my Square sales each Transaction to QuickBooks Desktop with more data imported than necessary. I do not import the customers into QuickBooks and basically Use SQUARE as the customer and my Online store as the customer since I can get the name from those places with data from the import if needed.
TPI from Square to QB-Desktop it is about 20 min long since I am going slow explaining the steps. I show how I imported Sales Receipts (Square Transactions) and an Invoice.
Now I also used power query to create a few additional columns from 2 Square csv files to be able to import all the data and get the Sales tax to be Imported to QuickBooks instead of QuickBooks calculating sales tax and then having rounding errors. Now I can import my sales from square to QBs in 5-10 minutes with a few clicks. The longest part is opening Square to download the 2 files, then depending how many sales in the time period the import can take 1 min to ???? Which during this time is when I walk away and let the computer do the work and I can work on other projects or grab a snack.
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The best solution is to NOT use any of the square accounts. They DO NOT accurately record fees, or savings and will make a nightmare out of your books. Bank local and wait 1 day to get your money, fees are automatically recorded in quick books and transactions are usually correct will have a hiccup every once in a while but its a quick fix. You will have to go in and reconcile transactions however it should just be two clicks to approve the transaction from square and then to match it to the deposit. It is a shame that the savings does not sync at all with quick books and the only answer we get on these forums is it needs to be suggested by enough people to make it happen.... a common sense no brainer feature that should be automatic apparently is to much to ask for.
If I did not use the scheduling app from square I would have already moved to quickbooks for payments and saved myself the frustration of having to sync the two programs.