
Reporting - How do I see which customers purchased an item?

Is there a way to see which customers purchased an item? I run a wine store and we would like to send clients updates when the next vintage of the same wine arrives or more of the same wine if it was temporarily sold out.  


This is an important revenue generator for us, in addition to be a nice service to our clients who appreciate the heads on wines they have traditionally supported


Message 1 of 42
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @dwm, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up! 😀


Yes — you can see which customers purchased an item by heading over to your Item Sales tab > select appropriate date range > Export > Detail CSV. A spreadsheet will download to your computer. From there, you can sort the "Item" column and cross reference which customers bought that wine by viewing the "Customer Name" column.


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!


Cheers. 🥂

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 2 of 42


@safsac Unfortunately you can only pull a report for one year or less! I definitely see how that would be useful and I'll share your request for the ability to see a customer's entire history with the Product Team

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 22 of 42
Square Champion

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Can a report list which customers purchased an item?


Hello!  There's another thread with a similar question but not quite what I'm after:  Is it possible to generate a list of which customers have purchased a specific item?


I'd like to be able to see a report saying who bought a specific type of photo session so I can do a targeted follow-up and also generate a group product.  We create a composite image made from all the photos of a certain group, so if I could generate a list of who had purchased a specific photo session type then I could easily create the list of people to include.


This type of report would be useful for a lot of other Square users, I think - such as if you sold gift certificates or perhaps treatments that required a follow-up appointment.


I don't see the option to add 'customer' to the custom reports - is there a reason that's left off the list of data I can include?

New Light Photography | SUB Photo | Square fan
Message 23 of 42

Hi @Michael_L! The best report for this would be the Item Detail CSV (mentioned in this thread, which I think you're referring to). Although you can't choose to export data for one specific item with that report, you could try sorting the report by the Item column and seeing the associated customers for those item sales.  


This definitely sounds like a good use case for being able to add customers to custom reports, which hasn't been added yet. I'll share your interest with the Reporting team! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 24 of 42

Is the only way to see which customer bought items to edit the transaction and add the customer info> I bought something on my own sight and it asked for my name, email address, phone number. Can't I get this assosicated with the items purchased? There is no way I can edit every transaction that will come through and add the name of the  customer from the coorisponding receipt (which is the only way I can get this). 


This is a big deal for me as we use this to sell merchandise, lodging, and registrations on our Weebly store to a conference and need to know who bought what so we can give it to them when they get onsite. 



Message 25 of 42
Square Champion

I think your storefront needs to collect that info, not Square; data collected as part of the payment process is private.


As a client, if I buy something from a vendor with my MasterCard and have to give a bit of personal info to get the payment approved, I don't necessarily want the vendor to have access to that information.  I might be using a different email or street address for the product than I use for the payment.


BUT - as a vendor, I do want a way to link customers across different transactions.  When I make a sale at my photo studio with the Square terminal, and a follow-up sale of prints or downloads via the online API, it would be nice to know they are connected.  I'm not sure how to do that within privacy laws though - over to you, Square!

New Light Photography | SUB Photo | Square fan
Message 26 of 42

Helen,  This is yet another revived thread, this one two years old, asking for better integration of customer names/info access in reports generated within the app and on receipts.  Please convey to development the importance of some basic functionality in this area.  It is a glaring omission that often makes work flow very cumbersome.


Thank you


PS:  a best answer designation implies this has been solved, which it has not.

Message 27 of 42

I'm so sorry that your post wasn't answered @RickyCaudle! You should be able to view your Weebly order details from yoru Weebly site: go to Store > then choose Orders and click Export to download a CSV file with your order details. If you're still having trouble finding the information you need go ahead and contact Weebly Support.


Thanks for flagging this @pstrisik. As the Best Answer will always show on the first page of a thread we sometimes use it to highlight a specific post. We're definitely still working to improve reporting. We'll update the Best Answer/any related threads if we have any developments to share.  

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 28 of 42

Does anyone know of a way to download your customer name, email and phone number BY the specific item sold?  I do not want a dump of customer history. Just a listing by specific item sold.  


Items Sales --> Export Detail  is useless

Message 29 of 42

Hey @LouGalli- I merged your post to this relevant thread where we're tracking this request as a feature request. Keep an eye on this thread in case we post any updates around this in the future.

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Message 30 of 42

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: We need a 'usable' Item-by-Customer "Detail CSV" Report....


I'd think a report that can help me target customers of a specific item (or items) using their email... the current 'best answer' solution to this is to run a "Detail CSV" of the items and get the name... then, one-by-one, nab their email addresses for such a product. Not quick. 🙂  


So, I formally request an item report by customer that also includes the customer data in the "Detail CSV."

Message 31 of 42

Thank you @Paulyester! I'm adding your post to this thread so we can show the Reports team how popular this request is. We'll post here to notify everyone if this type of report is available in future. Thanks again! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 32 of 42



DO you have an update yet on when we will be able to run a report showing who ordered a specific item that includes the customer's email address?  It is a tool we need.  Currently it is very cumbersome to get that info.    


We need to email all customers who paid for a event item more details and to track them for future updates.  



Message 33 of 42
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here, @ironindianrider. No shareable update or timeline for this feature just yet. We will be sure to vocalize any changes coming down the road here.


Thanks for your patience!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 34 of 42

+1 on this! 🙂

Message 35 of 42
Square Community Moderator

Thank you for adding your feedback here @madisonmud, @LowdownBallroom. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know how this feature would be useful for your business, and will be sure to share any updates here 🙂

Message 36 of 42

I think this is the MOST needed feature!! It would save me 2hrs a week easilty

Message 37 of 42

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: How to include email addresses when you export a detailed report of item sales.?


It seems that when you export the report for item sales its give you every bit of info EXCEPT the customers email addresses?

Message 38 of 42

Hi @madisonmud - I've moved your post to this thread so you can take a look at Tom's Best Answer, and we can continue to track interest in a report that combines these bits of information.


As long as you've added your customer to the sale before charging, their information will be stored in your Customer Directory, and you'll see the customer's name on your Item Sales report. Please keep in mind that your customer's email address will only be visible to you if it is added to their customer profile, rather than simply entered to receive a receipt. You should be able to cross reference the name from your Item Sales report with your Customer Directory information.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 39 of 42

That's not time efficient when I'm trying to email all ppl that orders one item. It includes everything else.. is there no way for the report to include their email in the spreadsheet. Now ur copying and pasting each one. Before the weebly (:( switch we could export online orders and it included the email.. with name. This should be brought up to developers 

Message 40 of 42

You initially mentioned that you are currently exporting the Item Sales report from your Square Dashboard. Now I understand that you're doing this because you no longer see a way to export online orders from your Square Dashboard.


Have you tried exporting your online orders from within your online store dashboard yet? You'll want to head to your Square Dashboard first, then click into your Online Store. Once here, select Orders from the left-hand sidebar menu - now you'll see an Export Orders buton in the top right-hand corner. Please let me know if this file contains the information you're looking for, @madisonmud!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 41 of 42

Hi there! 


The answers in this thread are really helpful but I just found a faster way to do it. 


If you go to the Customers page, you can create smart groups. 

1. After you're in the Customers page, click "Create group" in the upper-right-hand-corner. 

2. Click "Smart group."

3. Click "Custom smart group."

4. Click "Item"

5. Under purchase details, you can search for what the item was. You can even add a time-period this item was purchased by clicking "Add purchase detail." 

6. Once you've finished filtering to your liking, click "Next" then name your group. 


In the Marketing feature, you can even create custom campaigns to target that group. Just create the campaign and when you're ready to send it, you can select that group along with any others you may want to send it to.


Hope this helps!

Message 42 of 42
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.