
Online store inventory tracking variations

The entire parent gets listed as "Out of Stock" if only one variation is out of stock.  Why is that?  Please take a look at the screenshots, you can see that only one item is set as out of stock, yet on the online store the parent is listed as out of stock, even though all the other variations are in stock.


Can this be fixed?


Here is the item in the library, you can see only Pistachio is out of stock.


Item stock levelItem stock level



This is what it looks like on the online store, it should show in stock! You can see and confirm here


parent item onlineparent item online


As you can see if I select a variation that is in stock, everything works fine.


showing that some are in stockshowing that some are in stock


But when you select pistachio, it shows out of stock.  This is the correct behavior, but the first screenshot from my online store showing that everything is out of stock just because one variation is out of stock is a problem!


showing out of stockshowing out of stock

Message 1 of 6
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

I don't know what happened, but it stopped working again.  So I called support once more, and this time they just had me go to squareup.com > three lines > Online > Settings > Item Settings and then under Item Statuses you can uncheck out of stock indicators.  This way they never show up.


So this will solve the problem for you for now while Square realizes this is a bug and that they have to fix it and then actually get it done.

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Message 5 of 6

Hey @manousheh403- I'm thinking that's not an intended behavior, especially after running this by a few other folks.


When you have a chance, could you reach out to our Support Team? This might be an issue they'll need to report to our Engineers.

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 2 of 6

I'll do that and report back, thanks!

Message 3 of 6

So we figured it out on the phone.  The issue was just that I did not turn tracking on from the Online store.  You have to go to squareup.com > three lines > Online > Settings > Item Settings and then there is a section for tracking inventory, just turn it on.  Once you do that, the online store properly communicates with the Square backend.  The weird thing is that it does work, just not well, if you don't turn this setting on, but when you turn it on it works as intended.


Thanks for the help!

Message 4 of 6

Best Answer

I don't know what happened, but it stopped working again.  So I called support once more, and this time they just had me go to squareup.com > three lines > Online > Settings > Item Settings and then under Item Statuses you can uncheck out of stock indicators.  This way they never show up.


So this will solve the problem for you for now while Square realizes this is a bug and that they have to fix it and then actually get it done.

Message 5 of 6

Has any progress been made on fixing this? I do want to display when something is completely out of stock, but now, when even one variation is out of stock, it shows the entire item as out of stock.

Message 6 of 6
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