
How to charge sales taxes with direct checkout link

I created a new direct checkout link but when I tried it the sales taxes where not applied at all. I would like to charge sales taxes based on the buyer location. How can I do this?



Message 1 of 34
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

so i personally did this myself. thinking that by making a sales tax it would out cut the square tax. well, that didn't work well on my end i was being charged double. I was being charged for my sales tax plus the square tax so be careful doing so as I was never told that i had to call customer services to find this out and they advised me to take off my sales tax because i was actually being charged for both. But what you will need to do is add in items i believe or under taxes option add your sale tax there look up the state where you get most frequent customers from and add those two or 3 or how ever many taxes so then at check out all you will need to is add the tax before checking out. It will be found under the same place where u add discounts for your customers i had it preset to all my services so i didn't have to add it each time. Which is what screwed me over. But what you will want to do is add it to the area where u add discounts and select the option sales tax. very easy to do if you should have any further questions feel free to reach back out and ill walk you through the steps from my account as i added a 3% tax rate to all my services. and i had to go into every service I had and add the tax to it. now that square changed some of there stuff like services now located under items. it becomes a little different. they made some recent changes I also suggest calling square customer service tomorrow and ask them as well to make sure that the customer will be the one being charged so that you don't do it wrong where you are the one actually being charged for the sales tax you set. as i had to call and they had me take off my sales tax. 

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Message 2 of 34

Best Answer

so i personally did this myself. thinking that by making a sales tax it would out cut the square tax. well, that didn't work well on my end i was being charged double. I was being charged for my sales tax plus the square tax so be careful doing so as I was never told that i had to call customer services to find this out and they advised me to take off my sales tax because i was actually being charged for both. But what you will need to do is add in items i believe or under taxes option add your sale tax there look up the state where you get most frequent customers from and add those two or 3 or how ever many taxes so then at check out all you will need to is add the tax before checking out. It will be found under the same place where u add discounts for your customers i had it preset to all my services so i didn't have to add it each time. Which is what screwed me over. But what you will want to do is add it to the area where u add discounts and select the option sales tax. very easy to do if you should have any further questions feel free to reach back out and ill walk you through the steps from my account as i added a 3% tax rate to all my services. and i had to go into every service I had and add the tax to it. now that square changed some of there stuff like services now located under items. it becomes a little different. they made some recent changes I also suggest calling square customer service tomorrow and ask them as well to make sure that the customer will be the one being charged so that you don't do it wrong where you are the one actually being charged for the sales tax you set. as i had to call and they had me take off my sales tax. 

Message 2 of 34

i wanted to add this not sure if this will be any help but this is what i found on square below is all the ways you can add taxes. i took my tax off as i did it wrong i applied it the wrong way so deff follow this way... 


  1. Visit Sales Taxes in your online Square Dashboard
  2. Click Create Tax at the top-right of the page.
  3. Enter the tax information and make sure to toggle Enable Tax on. Note: You can choose to Add Tax to Item Price, which adds the tax as a separate line item to the price, or Include Tax in Item Price, which shows one amount – the combined sales tax and item price.
  4. Select the applicable locations.
  5. Click Save
  6. Apply the tax to your items > Apply to Items.
  7. Select individual items or click Select All > Apply to Items.

You can also adjust your taxes from the item level:

  1. Visit Items in your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click on an item to bring up the item details page. Under Taxes > No Taxes or select the name you gave your tax.
  3. Enable tax rate(s) you’d like to apply.

Note: Taxes will automatically apply to sales where a custom amount is entered. To disable taxes for custom amounts visit your tax settings in the Square app.

Create Item Sales Tax from the App

With the Square app, you can create multiple tax rates and customize how tax is applied to your items. 

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner to navigate to the menu.
  2. Tap Settings > Tax
  3. On an iPhone, tap the + icon in the top-right corner. On an iPad, tap Add a New Tax, and on an Android device, tap Create Tax
  4. Enter the tax information and toggle on Enabled to automatically apply this tax at checkout. 
  5. Tap Applicable Items to choose which items this tax will automatically apply to. Toggle on Custom Amounts to apply this tax to amounts entered at the time of a sale.
  6. Tap the back arrow > Item Pricing. Select if this tax will be included in item prices or added to a price at the time of sale.
  7. Make sure to save your updates.

Edit Taxes at the Time of Sale

  1. From the Square app, tap Current Sale and tap an item.
  2. Under Taxes, toggle applicable tax rates on or off.

Note: From the Sale screen, you can also tap Tax to view all tax rates applied to the current sale. Tap the red minus icon to remove a tax rate from applicable items within the sale.

You can enable your employees to edit taxes at the time of a sale through your employee permissions.

Disable Tax In-App

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner to navigate to the menu.
  2. Tap Settings > Tax and select the tax you’d like to remove.
  3. Toggle off Enabled or tap Remove Tax to delete it. 
  4. Save your changes.
Message 3 of 34

Some of the settings must have changed since this solution was posted. "Add Tax to Item Price" is not an option that I can see. I have tried both selecting and deselecting "Include Tax in Item Price," and either way, the tax is not added to an online checkout purchase. A $20 item at checkout is still $20, with the tax line on the purchase form reading $0.00. I have checked all of the threads, talked to a representative, and made sure everything has been set correctly (tax rates have been set up and enabled for all items). Either I'm missing something, or there is something going wrong on Square's end. I'd like to figure this out. I've spent hours on finding this solution today, and it is the only thing preventing me from publishing links to some items that I have for sale.

Message 4 of 34

hello! I'm having the same exact problem and I've spent days trying to figure it out. Are you still having this problem, or did you find the solution to it?

Message 5 of 34

Since we reopened from Medical office and weight loss center, we started only elcetronic payments in our office. I like sending online checkout link. Some items needs sales tax on it. how can i add sales tax to my online check out link?

Message 6 of 34

How do we include tax for Online Checkout while creating a link to collect payment?

Message 7 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hi @KnotlessMassage - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed adding taxes to Checkout Links.


Please see the reply from one of our Square Merchants, @KANDBCLEANING18, which has been marked as the Best Answer.


I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 34

I would like to create a link to a recurring charge. This is currently possible by creating a checkout link using "collect a payment." However, this method does not charge sales tax. Is there another method of a recurring payment or is there an option to add sales tax to the link?

Message 9 of 34

Hey @LIF I've merged your post with an existing thread. Please let me know if these workarounds offed by other sellers help. Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 10 of 34

Did you even figure out a way to do this?  I typically do a lot of in-person shows, so I've always just selected the tax based on where I was selling that day.  But now with more online selling, I am required to collect tax based on where I am shipping in-state.  Using checkout links is a great solution for my product, but still haven't figured out how to calculate tax based on the purchaser's info.

Message 11 of 34

I am trying to create an online checkout link to sell a retail item. I have sales tax enabled on the point of sale app, on the dashboard. To edit settings for the checkout link it takes you to the "Online Settings". I added the tax rate here as well.  I'm at a complete loss on how to proceed, I have checked every setting, and my sales tax is entered and Enabled. Yet it's not being added. If I use the app and attempt to charge as if sale is in person, tax is added correctly.


Yet when I make the link, it does NOT charge sales tax. Is this because I'm not paying Square for a website?

Message 12 of 34

Give this thread a try! @cpryse47

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 13 of 34

I have the exact same problem. Frustrating because none of the other answers seem to work.

Message 14 of 34

I created two checkout links for two items and both items do not display the taxes in the checkout link. I can see the taxes if I create an invoice for that item, but I cannot see the taxes in the checkout link.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Message 15 of 34

@ckeller108 - Check to see if this thread I moved you to helps. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 16 of 34

What is "this thread" you speak of?  I am having the same issue as @ckeller108 where my checkout link is not adding taxes.  I have gone through everything I could possibly find and have not gotten anywhere.

Message 17 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @NewIdeaMachine - stepping in here for Justin. I believe that he was referring to this same thread that you are replying to currently. I will link it here just in case you have more trouble. 


Let us know if you have any specific questions. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 18 of 34

Thank you @Joe for your response.  I spent over an hour trying everything I could find, but I did not get anywhere.  I am fairly certain that I have all my taxes set up correctly and my items assigned, but when I use the checkout link, the taxes are not added.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Message 19 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for reaching out here, @NewIdeaMachine


It's a little difficult for us to diagnose these kind of issues here from the Seller Community due to this space being publicly accessible - meaning we cannot engage with any account-specific content.


Would you mind flagging this over to our Support Team directly? They can work with you in your tax settings to make sure your settings are reflecting correctly on your checkout links.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 20 of 34

Thanks, I will do that.





Message 21 of 34
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.