
How can I remove commission made for a sale that's been refunded

     I own a barbershop and my employees are paid via commission. Our customers pay for the service at the time of booking. When a customer cancels and gets refunded, how can we remove the commission the employee received for that sale being that the customer cancelled and was refunded? Once I refunded the customer the sales report by employee still reflects that commission was made for that sale.. is there a way to remove it and he report be updated? 



Message 1 of 13

Hey @GreatVibes!


If a seller needs to refund a transaction for any reason, any commission earned will not be affected. The employee will keep their commissions.


Are you asking how you can delete/remove commissions? Let me know!👩🏼‍💻

Message 2 of 13

Hi Isabelle!

    Yes, I am asking how to remove the commission after a sale is refunded.. if a customer cancels their appointment and are refunded, I would like to be able to remove the commission earned for the returned sale. 

Message 3 of 13

I'm afraid any commission earned, regardless of a refund, will not be reversed.



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 13

Ran into the same issue. The problem is, since Square doesn't let you "Void" a transaction only refund said transaction, if there was a mistake while ringing up a a sale under the wrong person, they still get credit for a nonexistent sale. Its obvious that Square has not thoroughly worked out the whole commission tracking thing yet decided to move it from beta to the general user... Way too soon if its not functioning properly. Could prove very costly to business owners who are paying commissions to staff for services or goods not rendered. Also the commission % calculations never work correctly, with or without deductions set.. Total disaster... Fix or push back to Beta.

Message 5 of 13
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for the feedback on this one, @FedUpWithThis. We do rely on Seller feedback in order to improve recent launches and push out updates. Happy to flag your comments over to our Product Teams for visibility. Hopefully we will be able to implement some edits quickly to help you here in regards to refunds.


Thanks again!

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 6 of 13

This was reported and brought to your attention over a year ago. Still is not fixed. 

Message 7 of 13

Hi@FedUpWithThis, thanks for explaining this so well.


I'm one of those business owners that has paid commission to staff for sales, when the sale was later refunded. The current Square reports showing commission information is useless to me when it comes to refunds and exchanges. Payroll becomes a manual process. My time is valuable, and my staff rely on me to be fair when it comes to their commission. I'm extremely careful in the calculating of their commission. Since I can't rely on the Square reports.


Shades on The Square Eyewear
Instagram | Pinterest @shadesonthesquare
Message 8 of 13

I really need an option to correct who the sale was rang up under for commission. 


We often have the receptionist or another staff jump in to finish ringing up clients and they sometimes ring them up under their code by accident when it should be under another staff member code for commission tracking.


Same problem with refunds. If someone pays for something then we end up refunding it, then I have to make myself a note to remember not to pay the team member for that sale since it was a refund/return. It would be helpful if you could remove or change the commission - like if you could edit transactions to remove the commission or change the team member credited in the same way that you can pull them up to refund them or change the customer you rang them up under. 

Message 9 of 13

Agreed. This happens a LOT and it's absurd that I can't make these adjustments on my end. 

Message 10 of 13

Wow. Same issue. The worker closed out the sale as a gift instead but it was wrong. She actually pre-paid and I already paid the worker the commission. I went to reverse it and It worked, but it still shows the worker getting her commission on it and there is no way to reverse it. On top of that, square appointments does not allow categories so customers have to scroll through a long list of services. And, square payroll SUCKS! I think it is time for me to move to a different provider :(. UGHHHH.

Message 11 of 13

I have the same issue. This service is costing $35 per month per location. Hard to believe for those prices this issue hasn't been addressed. I may have to look elsewhere if not fixed promptly. Come on square this is basic commission figuring. 

Message 12 of 13

Great question @GreatVibes!

I'm fairly new to Square. I use a few reports and most of them I export to Excel, since not all information is available for me to do my business.


Every week, I'm checking if there was refund and who did the refund and remove the commission. I'm two different reports to try to understand how much commission to pay. The "Team Sales" report becomes useless for me when there's a refund or exchange, since the commission reported is incorrect.


This is important. Another scenario is an exchange. A staff member was paid a commission for a sale. The item was brought back for an exchange and purchased a new item of different value, greater or lesser than the original value.

1) Commission is paid for the 1st sale to the staff member

2) The refund/exchange was done to satisfy the customer.

3) A new commission is paid for the new purchase to the staff member.

4) The business owner has paid twice when in fact it was one purchase by the same customer.


Let's now talk about another scenario involving two staff members.

A staff member #1 was paid a commission for a sale. The item was brought back for an exchange and purchased a new item of different value, greater or lesser than the original value. Staff member #2 processes the refund/exchange.


1) Commission is paid for the 1st sale to the staff member #1.

2) The refund/exchange was done to satisfy the customer.

3) A new commission is paid for the new purchase to the staff member #2.

4) The business owner has paid twice, one to the staff member #1 and two the staff member #2 when in fact it was one purchase by the same customer.


Square please correct this issue. If I can do it with data that I exported from Square, I'm sure you can do it, too.


Shades on The Square Eyewear
Instagram | Pinterest @shadesonthesquare
Message 13 of 13
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