
Can I process a refund that was not originally paid via square?

I have some refunds to process that were not originally made via Square.  The funds are in my business account.  Can I process the refunds via Square?

Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for writing in and welcome to our community, @k2ztravel!


At this time, you can only issue refunds for card purchases that have been made via Square. You'd have to process all refunds for payments made outside of Square, outside of Square as well. It doesn't look like this is something that's currently in the works, I'd be happy to highlight your feedback with our team. As always, feel free to stop by The Community with questions, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

One solution I found when I ran into the same issue was to offer an E-Gift Card (Or regular gift cards for Square if you have them). You can "comp" the gift card by setting up a 100% discount and treat it as store credit. Just be careful because if you refund the amount via a gift card they could still dispute the non-Square payment; I'd be wary if someone wants to pay via Non-Square and then get a refund via a gift card, you could end up without the product or the money.


All the best, I transitioned to Square and ran into a 1 month period with people returning products from our old system, man was that a fun time.

Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 3 of 3
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