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Latest Blog Posts
Busy retail owners have been asking for an easier way to stay on top of feature launches and updates. So today we’re introducing The Check Out, a retail release by Square. 
Hi Sellers! 👋     We’re excited to announce that you can now link Square’s Kitchen Display System to your Square for Retail POS, allowing you to send orders to the kitchen and make retail sales all in one transaction.   With Square KDS, you can connect to your Square Retai
Hi Sellers! 👋   We are excited to introduce our newest feature, forecasted labor costs. Available with any Shifts plan or Retail, Restaurant, and Appointments Plus or Premium plan.    We understand that many of you operate on thin margins with labor costs making up a large
Hi Sellers! 👋         We’re excited to announce that you can now deduct tare weights from items sold by weight directly through your Square for Retail point of sale.   This new tare functionality allows you to remove the weight of containers or other packaging tha
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’re excited to announce that we added the ability to create shipping rate profiles that can be applied during checkout from Square for Retail. This feature will allow you to create predetermined rate profiles based on where the order is being sent and the order tota
Hi Sellers! 👋   Archive items from your Square Dashboard to make managing your item catalog and inventory reports easier than ever.    You and your staff can now designate items to ‘Archive’ status to keep your item history, and view your catalog and inventory reports with
Hi Sellers! 👋   As a follow up to our launch of managing shipments in Square Dashboard, we’re excited to announce that we’ve added the ability to purchase shipping labels directly within Dashboard for US Sellers! We’ve partnered with Shippo to give you the ability to create a free Sh
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’re excited to announce that we’ve added the ability for Square for Retail Plus sellers to create and manage Bundles in Square Dashboard! This feature allows you to combine multiple components into one item bundle and sell those items together while still having the
Hi Sellers,   It’s now easier for you to create orders and choose fulfillment methods with the refreshed Square for Retail checkout experience. Streamlined orders mean faster checkout, so you can serve more customers and keep growing your business.    Try out the refreshed c