
Feature Request : Various issues with item search by SKU

Here are a few observations related to searching for items in the Square ecosystem. It is inconsistent, can lead to errors and may generate frustration 🙂


Square Terminal:

Typing a SKU such has "123456-01" will give correct results. Here "-01" is related to a variation. If I click the single search results, the correct variation will be pre-selected.


Square Invoice App, when creating an Invoice or an Estimate:

Typing a SKU such has "123456-01" will give correct results. Here "-01" is related to a variation. If I click the single search results, the correct variation will NOT be pre-selected. This should be easy to solve.


Square Dashboard (when creating an Invoice, an Estimate, or when searching for an item in the Item Library):

Typing a SKU such has "123456-01" will NOT give correct results. The results will include anything containing "123456" AND "01", which returns a very large amount of results. The behaviour should be the same as the one described above in the Square Terminal.


To summarize:

Any item search everywhere should search for the EXACT string entered. It should not ignore the "-" (and replace it with a space) and it should use a AND logic, not an OR logic.


Ex: searching for "potato" and "salad" should return only "potato salad", (not "baked potato" AND "cesar salad" AND "potato salad"


Where applicable, after searching for a string that can only be related to a single variation in a given item, that variation should be automatically selected after taping the results.



The title of this thread has been edited from the original by a Community Moderator to help with searching threads. 

Message 1 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @Velo


Welcome back to the Community. 


Appreciate all of the feedback you provided when it comes to item searching. I would be happy to get this over to our Product Team to see what they think. 


This is excellent insight on how you use or would like to use our system for your business. 



Community Moderator, Square
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