

Suggestion to add a "base weight" to standard package dimensions section.


Reason: Standard packaging weight should be accounted for in shipping base costs, because the weight of an item that is listed currently on Square accounts for package weight when the first item is ordered...

Box: 30cm x 20cm x 10cm - 35g
Packing Slip: 5g
Receipt: 5g
Tape: 5g

TOTAL = 50g

For example, if I am selling bars of soap that weight 50g:

I have my soap that weighs 50g, and I must account for the 50g of weight for the box and packing slips when I list my item.

I must list my item weight as 100g to account for a 50g box, and a 50g bar of soap in the event that a customer only purchases 1 bar of soap.

If a customer adds 2 bars of soap, the weight total is 2 x 100g (200g), when in reality the weight is 150g.


(50g base weight + 50g soap + 50g soap)

If a customer adds 10 bars of soap, the weight total is 10 x 100g (1,000g), when in reality the weight is 550g.


(50g base weight + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap + 50g soap)

In the 10 bars of soap example, the customer has paid for 450g of shipping weight on the package that does not exist.

In summary -

Allowing a merchant to account for a standard base weight that can be calculated on a given package size will allow items to be their true weight, rather than accounting for a package weight included in the weight of every item ordered and listed. This will not only save customers money, but will allow shipping companies to more accurately estimate the weight that is being put into any given delivery truck to ensure that it is being filled to true capacity, and thus lowering average shipping costs.

David Cowan
[removed personal information]

Message 1 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Hi @arkplatewallet


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. How do you have your shipping rules setup? If you are using Real Time Shipping you can add a package and handling fee to the shipping rule. 




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