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Say I have an open ticket with an Old Fashioned already on it, customer orders another one, will the order ticket just show the new drink?
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Yep! As long as the ticket is open, you'll be able to keep adding items and it'll keep track of the count.
To add another Old Fashioned to the open ticket, go the Checkout screen > Tickets > select customer ticket > select the item. From there, you'll notice that the item count will increase on the customer's tab. After that, tap Save to keep the ticket open, or tap Charge to close out the sale. Find more information on this in our Support Center.
Hope this helps clear things up! If not, feel free to reply and I'll have another look. ๐ป
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Got a resolution:
Enable Open Ticket
Enable Printing on internal printer: settings, hardware, printer, turn on order printing, order stubs needs turned off

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Yep! As long as the ticket is open, you'll be able to keep adding items and it'll keep track of the count.
To add another Old Fashioned to the open ticket, go the Checkout screen > Tickets > select customer ticket > select the item. From there, you'll notice that the item count will increase on the customer's tab. After that, tap Save to keep the ticket open, or tap Charge to close out the sale. Find more information on this in our Support Center.
Hope this helps clear things up! If not, feel free to reply and I'll have another look. ๐ป
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Thanks so much, I was waiting for my printer to come and was just wondering
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When I add an item to a ticket, does it come out of inventory? I don't know if my employees are not entering sales or if those sales are in tickets and not taken our of inventory yet.
In other words, square says I have 20 widgets but I only have 15 there.

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Hi @NWSC, welcome to the seller community and thanks for asking!
If you have Inventory Management turned on, the items that have been added to the open ticket will not be taken out until you complete the sale. Does that help clear things up?
Please feel free to reply with more info, or if you'd like a team member to have a closer look at your account, please contact us directly. ๐
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Question.. I am a cafe. Sometimes we allow customers to charge food until payday, so those tickets sit out there until paid. Here is my delimma, If someome accidently touches that ticket, it changes the date on it. Is there a way to keep the original date the ticket was entered on it instead of it upatig to the current date and the current employee? Thanks

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Hey @aonenterprises, thanks for pointing this out โ I see what you mean. When an item is added or a ticket is re-opened, the ticket date automatically updates to the current date.
There isn't a way around this at this time. For now, I would suggest including the original date with the note section when opening a new ticket. While this is manual, it will help you keep track of this information.
Hope this helps โ please keep in touch for updates!
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Yes, we have a similar issue. When tickets get reopened, the timer resets on it, and previous servers are not liable to take responsibility for unpaid tickets. IE, it gets passed along to the next employees who open the ticket. A simple timestamp of when a ticket was created would be just a few lines of code on suqare's end, and would be a world of help to us square users.

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Thanks for expressing interest in this @manonegrallc
Our Product team is definitely aware of this, and we're still tracking interest and advocating for it to be updated for you all. Hopefully we get movement on this in the near future. If we do make an update, we'll announce it to the Community.
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YES! Please please please!
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We are struggling with this same scenario. Certain customers are allowed to keep an open ticket over more than one day. When the timestamp keeps updating, we lose the date of the actual sales.
While Square decides if this is a feature that will be offered, is there a way to convert an open ticket to an actual invoice/statement with dates?
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This response was in 2018. It is now 2024, and this simple , yet extremely important feature has not been added.
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is there a way to adjust this? If people have an open tab for a week, the item is still gone from inventory. Maybe even a pending number?

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@jr8 Sorry for the late reply! You could manually reduce your inventory for that item from your online Dashboard. I'll share your interest in a more scalable way to link your inventory and tickets that are still open with our Product Team.
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Not sure this answered the questions....
when the ticket prints at the bar, will it print only with the new drink added.
For instance:
At 6pm 3 beers ordered, the ticket printed at the bar with the 3 beers listed
At 7pm, 2 more beers are ordered, they are entered on the existing ticket (now a total of 5 beers) when the ticket is printed at the bar, will it print with just the 2 beers ordered at 7pm or will it show all 5 beers since the ticket was created??

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Great question @anniec!
If you add a new drinks order to an open ticket it'll only show the new order when it's printed at the bar! ๐ป
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It did not clear things up. When I select the item, there is no โitem countโ, just Taxes and Discounts only.
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We occasionally have large groups/organizations that come to our farm's food stand. The head of the organization or group will occcasionally want to pay for the food of all of the members of their group on one ticket at the end of their stay. The issue is that all of the orders do not come in at the same time. Say it is a group of 30. Five of them may order when they first arrive, ten an hour later, then 5, then another ten. We could use the open ticket function for this; however, an order stub needs to be sent to the kitchen each time a set of orders comes in. My question is a) how do we achieve this without processing the payment and b) how do we print only the orders that have just been added to the ticket, and not the previous ten already served?
Thanks in advance.

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I've moved your post to this thread @birdnestburgers so you can review this existing thread about Open Tickets.
To answer your questions:
- With Open Tickets you can add orders to the ticket for the group and then you can charge the head of the organization's card when you close the ticket at the end of the night.
- When you add a new item to a ticket only the new item will be printed on the kitchen printer!
Let me know if you have any other questions about this. Happy to help!
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We have learned how to use Tickets in square and like that feature. However, when we are sharing new orders with the kitchen or bar, we don't know how to differentiate between a NEW order (say a second round of drinks) and one that's already on the ticket. IE: the risk is the bar makes two beers when the customer already one and the server has added a second one to the Ticket. Seems new items should be in RED until the server picks them up from the bar or kitchen. Is there a function like that?

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@heirloom77 I've moved your post to this thread so you can see Tom's Best Answer! When you add a new item to a ticket and only the new item will be printed in the kitchen. That way the kitchen only sees the new items, and isn't confused by previous order information.
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