Hello, and welcome to the Retail and eCommerce group in the Square Community! 👋 We launched this group to connect retail sellers and provide a place to share ...
Group Hub Activity
Hi sellers!
We’re thrilled to invite you to test out a new and exciting beta feature. This update will make it easier for you to bulk upload and automatically associate images to existing items in your Square Catalog via Bulk Edit.
Interested in joining?
👇 Reply directly to this post below and we’ll get you set up so you can start testing over the next few weeks. Once you drop a comment below, we will acknowledge your opt in to this beta by liking your reply and will follow up with you individually with any additional information.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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I created a video that shows you how to link Square to Google Ads and discusses linking Square POS to Google Ads. To fully utilize this feature, you will need a Google Ads account, Square, and Zapier. https://youtu.be/O0sM6psnwJo
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Tutorial: Using the Square Aggregated Sales Tool Welcome to the tutorial on using the Square Aggregated Sales Tool! This guide will help you set up, use, and extend the tool to process sales data effectively. We'll also explore how to leverage the exported data to predict order needs using simple math. Introduction The Square Aggregated Sales Tool is a Google Apps Script that fetches and processes 91 days of aggregated sales data from your Square account. It provides detailed insights, including item sales quantities and revenues, across multiple locations. With this data, you can analyze trends and predict future orders directly in a Google Sheet. 1. Setup Before using the tool, follow these steps to configure it: Step 1: Add the Script to Google Sheets Open your Google Sheet. Navigate to Extensions > Apps Script. Copy and paste the script into the editor. Save the script with a descriptive name. Step 2: Set API Key and Email Refresh your Google Sheet. Click on the newly added menu item Square API in the toolbar. Select Set API Key and enter your Square API token. Select Set Email Address and input your email for notifications. Step 3: Configure Automatic Triggers (Optional) You can automate the script to run every 3 hours: Click on Square API > Set 3-Hour Timer. This will create a time-driven trigger to ensure your sales data is updated regularly. 2. Using the Tool Step 1: Start Aggregated Sales Processing Navigate to Square API > Start Aggregated Sales Processing. The script will: Create or clear a sheet named Sales-Aggregated. Fetch and write 91 days of completed sales data to the sheet. Send a success or failure notification to your configured email. Step 2: View the Output The Sales-Aggregated sheet will contain: Variation ID, Item Name, Variation Name. Location-wise sales (quantities and revenue). Total quantities and revenue for 91 days. 3. Extending the Tool: Using Data for Order Predictions The exported sales data can be used to predict future order needs. Here's how you can do this: Step 1: Calculate Average Weekly Sales In the Sales-Aggregated sheet, calculate the weekly sales per item: Use the formula: =Total_QTY / 13 This will give you the average units sold per week. Step 2: Build an Order Prediction Tool Add a column for your desired stock level (e.g., Target Stock). Calculate reorder quantities: Use the formula: =Target_Stock - (Average_Weekly_Sales * Weeks_To_Supply). Integrate this with the existing catalog export tool to create an automated ordering system. 4. Tips and Best Practices Refine Predictions: Consider seasonal variations or sales trends when setting stock targets. Monitor Key Items: Focus on high-demand items or items with longer lead times. Combine Data: Use this tool alongside your catalog exports for a complete inventory management solution. 5. Conclusion The Square Aggregated Sales Tool is a powerful resource for managing and analyzing sales data. With a few simple calculations, you can use it to create a data-driven approach to inventory and order planning. Experiment with the outputs and customize the tool further to suit your needs. Brought to you by JT Pets, where data-driven solutions meet exceptional pet care. Happy analyzing and predicting! /**************************************************************
* 1) Create custom menu and handle setup (API key, email, etc.)
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Square API')
.addItem('Set API Key', 'setApiKey')
.addItem('Set Email Address', 'setEmailAddress')
.addItem('Start Aggregated Sales Processing', 'startAggregatedSalesProcessing')
// Runs every 3 hours instead of daily
.addItem('Set 3-Hour Timer', 'create3HourTrigger')
// Prompt for Square API Key
function setApiKey() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var response = ui.prompt(
'Set Square API Key',
'Please enter your Square API access token:',
if (response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
var apiKey = response.getResponseText().trim();
if (apiKey) {
PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().setProperty('SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN', apiKey);
ui.alert('Success', 'Your Square API access token has been saved.', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
} else {
ui.alert('Error', 'No API key entered.', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
} else {
ui.alert('Operation cancelled.');
// Prompt for Notification Email
function setEmailAddress() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var response = ui.prompt(
'Set Notification Email',
'Please enter your email address:',
if (response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
var emailAddress = response.getResponseText().trim();
if (emailAddress) {
PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().setProperty('NOTIFICATION_EMAIL', emailAddress);
ui.alert('Success', 'Your email address has been saved.', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
} else {
ui.alert('Error', 'No email address entered.', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
} else {
ui.alert('Operation cancelled.');
* 2) Main function to start the 91-day aggregated sales process
function startAggregatedSalesProcessing() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetName = 'Sales-Aggregated';
try {
// Clear or create the sheet
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
if (sheet) {
} else {
sheet = ss.insertSheet(sheetName);
// Fetch & write 91-day aggregated sales
// Send success email (if email is set)
var docProps = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
var emailAddress = docProps.getProperty('NOTIFICATION_EMAIL');
if (emailAddress) {
to: emailAddress,
subject: "Square 91-Day Aggregated Sales - SUCCESS",
body: "Successfully fetched and aggregated the 91-day sales from Square."
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("Error (startAggregatedSalesProcessing): " + error);
// Send failure email
var docProps = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
var emailAddress = docProps.getProperty('NOTIFICATION_EMAIL');
if (emailAddress) {
to: emailAddress,
subject: "Square 91-Day Aggregated Sales - FAILED",
body: "The Square aggregated sales data refresh failed:\n" + error
displayAlert("An error occurred: " + error.message);
* 3) Time-driven trigger creation for an automatic refresh
* every 3 hours.
function create3HourTrigger() {
// Remove old triggers to avoid duplicates
// Create a time-based trigger to run every 3 hours
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("A timer has been set to run the script every 3 hours.");
function deleteExistingTriggers() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
if (triggers[i].getHandlerFunction() === 'startAggregatedSalesProcessing') {
* 4) Fetch 91-day COMPLETED orders, then aggregate QTY & Revenue
* by catalog_object_id, with columns per location.
function fetchAndWriteAggregatedSales(sheet) {
// 1) Get location data (IDs + names)
var locationMap = fetchLocationData(); // { locId: locName }
var locationIds = Object.keys(locationMap);
if (!locationIds.length) {
displayAlert("No locations found for this merchant.");
// 2) Calculate date range: last 91 days (13 weeks) in RFC 3339
var endDate = new Date();
var startDate = new Date();
startDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() - 91);
var startDateRFC3339 = toRfc3339(startDate);
var endDateRFC3339 = toRfc3339(endDate);
// 3) Fetch COMPLETED orders (all locations) in that time range
var allOrders = fetchCompletedOrdersWithinPeriod(
if (!allOrders.length) {
displayAlert("No completed orders found in the past 91 days.");
* 4) Tally up quantities & revenue by catalog_object_id.
* We'll store Variation ID, Item Name, Variation Name, etc.
* itemTally[catalogObjectId] = {
* variationId: string, // "ID-B"
* itemName: string,
* variationName: string,
* totals: { qty: number, revenue: number },
* locationSales: {
* locId: { qty: number, revenue: number }
* }
* }
var itemTally = {};
allOrders.forEach(function(order) {
var orderLocationId = order.location_id;
if (!order.line_items || !order.line_items.length) {
order.line_items.forEach(function(li) {
// Use catalog_object_id as the Variation ID
var catalogObjectId = li.catalog_object_id || "N/A";
var itemName = li.name || 'Unknown Item';
var variationName = li.variation_name || '';
// Parse quantity
var qty = parseFloat(li.quantity || "0");
// For revenue, we use lineItem.total_money.amount (in cents).
var revenueCents = 0;
if (li.total_money && typeof li.total_money.amount !== 'undefined') {
revenueCents = parseInt(li.total_money.amount, 10);
// Initialize aggregator if needed
if (!itemTally[catalogObjectId]) {
itemTally[catalogObjectId] = {
variationId: catalogObjectId, // "Variation ID (ID-B)"
itemName: itemName,
variationName: variationName,
totals: { qty: 0, revenue: 0 },
locationSales: {}
// Ensure sub-object for location is initialized
if (!itemTally[catalogObjectId].locationSales[orderLocationId]) {
itemTally[catalogObjectId].locationSales[orderLocationId] = { qty: 0, revenue: 0 };
// Update location-level tallies
itemTally[catalogObjectId].locationSales[orderLocationId].qty += qty;
itemTally[catalogObjectId].locationSales[orderLocationId].revenue += revenueCents;
// Update total tallies
itemTally[catalogObjectId].totals.qty += qty;
itemTally[catalogObjectId].totals.revenue += revenueCents;
* 5) Build the header row.
* We'll have:
* Variation ID (ID-B), Item Name, Variation Name,
* then for each location: "LocName QTY", "LocName $"
* and finally: "Total QTY (91 days)", "Total Revenue (91 days)"
var headerRow = [
"Variation ID (ID-B)",
"Item Name",
"Variation Name",
locationIds.forEach(function(locId) {
var locName = locationMap[locId];
headerRow.push(locName + " QTY");
headerRow.push(locName + " $");
headerRow.push("Total QTY (91 days)");
headerRow.push("Total Revenue (91 days)");
* 6) Convert the itemTally into final rows.
* Each row:
* [ variationId, itemName, variationName, loc1Qty, loc1Revenue, loc2Qty, loc2Revenue, ... totalQty, totalRevenue ]
var allRows = [];
for (var catalogObjectId in itemTally) {
if (!itemTally.hasOwnProperty(catalogObjectId)) {
var data = itemTally[catalogObjectId];
var rowData = [
data.variationId, // Variation ID (ID-B)
// For each location, push QTY & Revenue
locationIds.forEach(function(locId) {
var locSales = data.locationSales[locId] || { qty: 0, revenue: 0 };
// Convert cents to currency format
rowData.push((locSales.revenue / 100).toFixed(2));
// Finally, total QTY & total Revenue
rowData.push((data.totals.revenue / 100).toFixed(2));
// 7) Write all item rows at once
if (allRows.length) {
.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1, allRows.length, headerRow.length)
"Aggregated item-level sales for 91 days (13 weeks) has been written to '" +
sheet.getName() +
* 5) Get COMPLETED orders for all (or selected) locations/time
function fetchCompletedOrdersWithinPeriod(startDate, endDate, locationIds) {
var orders = [];
var body = {
location_ids: locationIds,
limit: 50,
query: {
filter: {
state_filter: { states: ['COMPLETED'] },
date_time_filter: {
closed_at: {
start_at: startDate,
end_at: endDate
sort: { sort_field: 'CLOSED_AT' }
var url = 'https://connect.squareup.com/v2/orders/search';
var cursor = null;
do {
if (cursor) {
body.cursor = cursor;
var options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
muteHttpExceptions: true,
payload: JSON.stringify(body)
var response = makeApiRequest(url, options);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (jsonData && jsonData.orders) {
orders = orders.concat(jsonData.orders);
cursor = jsonData.cursor || null;
} while (cursor);
return orders;
* 6) Fetch location data (IDs & names) from /v2/locations
function fetchLocationData() {
var locationMap = {};
var url = 'https://connect.squareup.com/v2/locations';
var options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
"Square-Version": "2023-10-18",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
muteHttpExceptions: true
var response = makeApiRequest(url, options);
if (response.getResponseCode() === 200) {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (Array.isArray(jsonData.locations)) {
jsonData.locations.forEach(function(loc) {
var locId = loc.id;
var locName = loc.name || 'Unnamed';
locationMap[locId] = locName;
} else {
Logger.log("Error retrieving locations: " + response.getContentText());
displayAlert("Error retrieving locations. Check logs.");
return locationMap;
* 7) Generic Helpers: makeApiRequest, displayAlert, date format
function makeApiRequest(url, options) {
var docProps = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
var accessToken = docProps.getProperty('SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN');
if (!accessToken) {
displayAlert('Square Access Token not set. Use "Set API Key" first.');
throw new Error('Access token is missing.');
// Ensure we have headers
if (!options.headers) {
options.headers = {};
options.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + accessToken;
if (!options.headers["Square-Version"]) {
options.headers["Square-Version"] = "2023-10-18";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var statusCode = response.getResponseCode();
// 401 = invalid/expired token
if (statusCode === 401) {
var emailAddress = docProps.getProperty('NOTIFICATION_EMAIL');
if (emailAddress) {
to: emailAddress,
subject: "Square Aggregated Sales Failed - Invalid Access Token",
body: "Your Square access token is invalid or expired. Please update it."
throw new Error('Access token is invalid or expired.');
} else if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) {
return response; // success
} else {
Logger.log('API request failed: ' + statusCode + ' -> ' + response.getContentText());
throw new Error('API request failed with status code ' + statusCode);
function displayAlert(message) {
try {
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Alert: " + message);
// Convert JS Date to RFC3339
function toRfc3339(dateObj) {
var year = dateObj.getUTCFullYear();
var month = padNumber(dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1);
var day = padNumber(dateObj.getUTCDate());
var hours = padNumber(dateObj.getUTCHours());
var minutes = padNumber(dateObj.getUTCMinutes());
var seconds = padNumber(dateObj.getUTCSeconds());
return (
year + '-' + month + '-' + day + 'T' +
hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + '.000Z'
function padNumber(num) {
return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
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Is everyone else like me who has a hard time letting go of control or feel the need they need to be there 24/7? I have been working on this 😉 (trying) and I have great employees who can do it all very well I will say. But I feel like I run in circles 24/7 and go nowhere! Business has picked up very close to 2018 and 2019! We were doing amazing numbers. I had to close for two days to keep up, allow for more delivery days, and hire 2 more people at one location, and Feb 1st location number 2 will open (fingers crossed) we are in single digits for the 2nd week. I will be opening a new store 3 building down from our big store. Blessing or curse? Is anyone else that just feels like they HAVE to be there and honestly don't and know that your staff can do it and very well without for a day?
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I’ve always struggled with explaining my own customer service philosophy. I’m not the best at breaking things down or giving lengthy lectures — but when I find a resource that says exactly what I mean, I make sure everyone sees it. For me, one of the most impactful lessons comes from an old (but gold!) training video called "Give ‘Em the Pickle" by Bob Farrell. 🥒 It’s a simple yet powerful message about going the extra mile to make customers happy. At JT Pets, our version of "the pickle" is taking the time to walk a customer to the shelf, adding a personal coupon for minor issues, or even tossing in an unexpected freebie for our regulars. Always a free sample! These small gestures build loyalty, trust, and community. I’m sharing the video here with you because I’d love to hear how you teach and inspire your teams to create memorable customer experiences. What’s your "pickle"? What tools or strategies do you use to bring your customer service principles to life? Let’s swap ideas and stories!
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