
Community Blog

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Welcome to the Community blog - your ultimate source for the latest Community news, including upcoming events and inspiring Square stories. Subscribe to the blog to stay informed and inspired.
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Don’t miss these tips on how to use social media for small business in 2024. Dip your toes into the world of social media or learn new strategies to improve your existing social media plan.
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Learn about the Seller Community Mentorship Program from one of our first mentors, Arline Trividic. She shares what she learned and how the program has become a support system for her and her mentee.
Aylon Pesso explains essential strategies to help you navigate success and failure in business. Learn why it’s important to celebrate success, how to learn from your mistakes, and how to cut yourself some slack when things don’t go to plan.
Celebrating the holidays alongside your customers can be a big boost for your business. Learn from Charlie Marshall, owner and chef of The Marshal, to see what he does and how it helps his restaurant grow.
Hi Sellers! 👋   We are excited to introduce our newest feature, clock-in geofencing. Available with a Shifts Plus, Retail Plus, Restaurants Plus, and Appointments premium subscription.    Managing your team's time is a critical job as a Square seller.  The Square Team
  Hi Sellers! 👋   We have been making changes to our system to simplify the way you manage your team members across Team Management and Payroll.  We’re happy to announce that the "Team members” and “Payroll team” sections of your Square Dashboard have now been merged into o
Happy last month of the year! Here is the monthly roundup of all the new features and product updates posted in the US Seller Community in November 2023.
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’re excited to announce the release of team member setup via SMS invitation!   Previously, you could only invite your team members by email– team members could not directly interact with our Team app or the dashboard without accepting that email invitation. The
Hi Sellers! 👋   We’ve recently improved customer data accessibility on Android for users who use accessibility tools or who need visual assistance. Now you can enable text-to-speech technology (i.e. TalkBack or BrailleBack) to access PII (Personally Identifiable Information).