Unanswered Questions

at this time its not possible to use square with payoneer because payoneer is a receiving account and square requires a two way transactional account such as de...

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-12-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

I received my second ppp loan before the new calculation rule. I asked if square was going to recalculate my loan, which would mean more much needed funds. I wa...

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-12-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

I received my second ppp loan before the new calculation rule. I asked if square was going to recalculate my loan, which would mean more much needed funds. I wa...

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-12-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

I received my second ppp loan before the new calculation rule. I asked if square was going to recalculate my loan, which would mean more much needed funds. I wa...

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-12-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Hi All, Trying to apply for PPP loan round 2 and unable to apply. This is what it says, can someone help?

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-08-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Hi there, I hope someone out there can help me as I didn't get very far with support. We are looking to invest in the square register system with the retail plu...

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-05-2021 in Square for Retail
0 Replies

For the last several months when a customer gives us their gift card to use and we slide it, it showed the remaining balance. The last week or so this is not sh...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 03-05-2021 in Troubleshooting
0 Replies

I am new to this and wish to learn it's functions and all its benefits. Any tips or suggestions?

5 - Supporter
Posted 03-02-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

I believe there are errors in the reports feature... and although unitented there are driving me nuts....When looking at sales trends reports, specifically the ...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 03-01-2021 in Troubleshooting
0 Replies

Hello everyone!

5 - Supporter
Posted 02-28-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

After speaking with a very helpful E-Commerce team member, we concluded the Checkout Links can only be assigned to one location's bank account. This is unfortun...

5 - Supporter
Posted 02-23-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Ppp loan amount based on income correct

5 - Supporter
Posted 02-17-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Simple: Square Online should respect the location settings that we set up on our modifiers. Any item modifiers that don't belong in a location, should not appe...

9 - Proponent
Posted 02-15-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Hey guys! I have two locations for my store, with Square for retail for both. When I look at items on desktop, I can see the unit price available, and that the ...

7 - Protege
Posted 02-10-2021 in Square for Retail
0 Replies

Can it really be the case that in 2021 the online store still does not include schema markup in product pages? I see feature requests going back at least three ...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 02-06-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Good morning! I have various images in different aspect ratios depending on the nature of my product. It is not possible to have them all the same aspect ratio ...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 02-06-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

With the new "similar items" feature (which I love!), it'd be very helpful if we could set up hidden categories of sorts that would draw in items as well. For ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 02-05-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

Pinterest has a cool feature that allows you to bulk create pins automatically by adding your rss feed to your business Pinterest account. How can I do this if ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 02-02-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies

I am in property management and my intention is to load my square balance with $10,000.00 for payroll as I pay contractors, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of...

5 - Supporter
Posted 02-01-2021 in Troubleshooting
0 Replies

Any one use square in the taxi? Need to find a small printer that works with cell phone.

5 - Supporter
Posted 01-28-2021 in Square Online
0 Replies