
Custom Attributes - add to reports, search, POS, bulk edit.

As it stand now, it seems Custom Attributes has great potential, but is very under developed.

For our restaurant, we really need the ability to create reports that filter/group-by/rollup, etc Custom Attributes.

We need the ability to search by Custom attributes whenever search is available. Example: searching inventory items, creating invoices from inventory items, etc..

We would love to see the ability to include custom attributes in POS design.  Example: we tag certain food items in inventory then, when designing POS layout, we can search for said tagged items to quickly add to POS.

Considering the sheer volume of items in an restaurant inventory, we really need the ability to add/update in bulk via the import/update feature.

Again, lots of potential - but w/ the ability to only use it to "filter" while on the inventory screen, it seem very short of its potential.  

Can someone speak to the priority this item is being given, other than the generic "...our team looks at all items and considers..." statement?

Thank you!

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We also really need custom reports to show up on inventory export - For example, we created a custom attribute called "expiration date" with a choice of month when the item expires. When items come in, we could quickly add the date to the custom attribute and import the data. Then each month export the inventory to excel and easily run a report of what is in stock and expiring soon. 

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I'm glad to see these are relatively recent requests because we could REALLY USE 'CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES' REPORTING like yesterday!!

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@wiggins I am seeing your name on conversations about having custom attributes in reporting, POS to search, mass down and uploads, etc since 2020 but where are these in the development?  Any timelines as to when these features become available?  We are beta testers and I have not seen those there either or seen a timeline.

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Square Community Moderator

Stepping in for @wiggins. The next step here would be to a Feature Request here @Ibicheese. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers with similar interest in your request. 


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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