
Choosing other items in checkout

I have a roadside location where I have about 15 different items for sale on an ongoing basis. Each item has its own QR code for payment. Customers come in, scan the QR code and purchase an item. Often this is an automated process where the items are self service and there is no attendant on duty. Many times  customers want to purchase multiple items. It’s a pain in the butt for them to have to scan one item and pay for it then scan a different item and pay for and so on. How do I give customers the choice to select other different items at check out? It would be nice for customers to be able to scan an item…then choose to add different items to their purchase and check out only once.

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @Brianslink -


Appreciate you reaching out about the QR code with your business. Right now, the QR code cannot be used for multiple items. 


I know this is a huge Feature Request with sellers, so I would suggest heading over to the Ideate Board. There you can search or post this request for our Product Team to see them. 


Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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